Yearly Archives: 2014

Can You Create A Community In A Virtual World?

When you think of online training, you often think about one-on-one interactions. The professor to the student. But now, many virtual environments are creating more collaborative and interactive portals. These E-Learning hubs are becoming the place for individuals from around the world to talk and share problems and solutions. In part one of our interview,Read… Read more »

Getting Operations and IT to Mix

The Operations function and the IT function of most organizations are like oil and water. Due to the traditional roles these areas play, they often run into difficulty when combined on an improvement project. It is critical that these functions work well together in order for you to achieve any success in your organization. HereRead… Read more »

5 Lessons for Government from SxSW

The argument has been made (and made and made) that SxSW is So Over ™. Respectfully, I disagree. It is certainly a corporate event—witness Samsung offering to bring a free, charged battery to anyone whose Samsung device is running low—but that doesn’t mean that governments agencies, whether local, state, or federal, should skip out. Indeed,Read… Read more »

Time has run out for Australia to meet its April 2014 Open Government Partnership commitment

Last year the Australian Government (under the Labor party) made a commitment to the international and Australian community that it would take the necessary actions to join the Open Government Partnership (OGP) by April 2014. The OGP is a group of 63 nations committed to making their governments more open, accountable, and responsive to citizens.Read… Read more »

Open, transparent Chattanooga

Open and transparent aren’t just campaign promises in Chattanooga. They are words symbolic of a new way of thinking and a new standard for our community. As we set out to draft a new Open Data Policy for Chattanooga City Government, we knew this policy should not only set the standard for what open dataRead… Read more »

Howard County, Md., Launches CISO in Residence Program – Find Out Why

Howard County, Maryland’s Center for Entrepreneurship and the Howard Tech Council have teamed up to launch a new Chief Information Security Office In Residence program, they are calling it HoCo CISO. The idea is simple, the HoCo CISO gives Howard Tech Council members, the opportunity to receive security consulting advice and resources from trained securityRead… Read more »

Wall of Shame

A site owner told me he was taking down his “Wall of Shame” or leaderboard, showing the top contributors to his site. It was an administrative headache as users changed their posting patterns. He was most upset about power users who had been thrown off the site, but their cumulative contribution continued to show. DaveRead… Read more »

Cross-Agency Priority Goals: 2014 (Part 2)

OMB released a refreshed list of cross-agency priority goals for the remainder of the Obama Administration. There are 15 goals, seven mission-related and eight management-related. Only three carry over from the previous set of commitments. Following are edited excerpts from An earlier post provides excerpts from the seven mission-related cross-agency priority goals. This postRead… Read more »