Yearly Archives: 2014

What Are Your Big Data Challenges – Plus The 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: When DVD’s came out, the experts predicted the end of movie theaters. When Amazon set up shop in cyberspace, the experts predicted the end of strip malls. But neither of those things happened. Is the same true for E-Learning? We go myth busting with the Morino Institute. You can find allRead… Read more »

Esri Launches Climate Resilience App Challenge

Last June, President Obama released a comprehensive Climate Action Plan. The plan is an aggressive approach to reduce Americans’ reliance on oil, cut carbon emissions and create sustainable communities. But the efforts aren’t only about preserving and protecting America’s beautiful natural resources – they’re also about improving public health. The administration’s Climate Action Plan remindsRead… Read more »

Happy Birthday to the World Wide Web

Dear World Wide Web, Happy 25th Birthday. We’ve had some amazing years together and if it weren’t for you, we’d never have grown from being a baby organization to a full-fledged movement. You’ve hosted some of our best efforts. From helping our 3000+ brigade members organize, to being the town hall for our government network,Read… Read more »

Getting More Revenue: UK’s HM Revenue & Customs Case Study

At this year’s UK digital communications event, “Reaching More People: Transforming Public Service Delivery with Collaborative Communications”, staff from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), the UK’s tax authority (think IRS for the UK), spoke about their agency’s efforts to reach more people in a more effective way in their presentation, “Central Government Success Story: HMRC”.Read… Read more »

Myth Busting – E-Learning Style

When DVD’s came out, the experts predicted the end of movie theaters. When Amazon set up shop in cyberspace, the experts predicted the end of strip malls. But neither of those things happened. Movie theaters are still a billion dollar industry and online retail only makes up 5% of shopping. So when the experts predictedRead… Read more »

People Act, Technology Helps

This post was originally published on This quote from South by Southwest was making the rounds yesterday: It connects to Nick’s post last week (see: Dragon’s Dens, Hackathons, and Innovation Labs. Nick questioned whether such approaches are being used as innovation band-aids, plastered over more fundamental problems: If pressed to offer a TL;DR ofRead… Read more »

Digital is political

Governments govern. Oppositions oppose – or, more positively, present an alternative set of policies based on an alternative political perspective. Political initiatives taken by one government will be looked at critically by its potential successors, for the obvious reason that the decisions embodied in those initiatives will have been taken by people with different politicalRead… Read more »

Are you prepared for Australia’s new privacy law?

Today Australia’s new Privacy law comes into force, affecting Australian Government agencies, businesses with a turnover of more than $3 million or trading in personal information and all private health service providers. As the first major change in Australian privacy law in 25 years, there’s been numerous changes and updates to reflect the major changesRead… Read more »