Yearly Archives: 2014

Is the Entitlement Generation Really Entitled?

Spoiled. Uncooperative. Impatient. Lazy. These are just a few words used to describe who some have deemed the “entitlement generation” – often called Millennials or Gen Y or even Generation C. Sure, with stories like the 18-year old girl who is suing her parents for financial support flying around the web, is anyone really surprised?Read… Read more »

INSA Security Clearance Reform Recommendations

Since 1947 the average spy began committing espionage after 12 years of service. That highlights why periodic reinvestigations (PR) are critically important. The influential Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) has released the Security Reform Policy Council white paper on Leveraging Emerging Technologies in the Security Clearance Process. INSA includes a number of connected, heavyRead… Read more »

Friday Photo: Capitol Snowglobe Edition

Two men walk toward the Capitol in a snowstorm. If I have learned anything from this winter, it’s the importance of taking pictures while the snow is still fresh. It’s when the white stuff is at its prettiest. After a few hours, it starts to melt, get shoveled and become begrimed with city filth. MondayRead… Read more »

Does Your Agency Have A Brand? – Plus Your Weekend Reads!

Branding matters. When you think of AMC, you think of movie theaters and popcorn. When you think of IKEA, you think easy to assemble furniture. When you think of Amazon, you think of online shopping. But when you think of government, is there a brand? What about at the agency level? Is there a brandRead… Read more »

Let’s talk Budget: CBG Round-up, 03.07.2014

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Presidential Innovation Fellows: The Results of Round Two Are in! Alex Howard has a write-up of the results of the second round of Presidential Innovation Fellows, as well as the invitation to apply to participate in the next iteration, when the program will focus on three topics: fueling data innovations, helping veterans attainRead… Read more »

Stand Out as a Leader in Transformation

0 If you aren’t able to demonstrate excitement to your team, you can’t expect them to get excited along with you. Leaders aren’t cold, calculating masterminds; a good leader is willing to invest his heart and soul in the goal of initiating transformation, and it shows Every team, unit and organization needs a leader—actually, itRead… Read more »

“Why You Should Be Excited About Future Tech”

Why You Should Be Excited About Future Tech By Chuck Brooks Sure, robotics, the Internet of Things, data analytics, and other disruptive trends are intimidating, but they will improve our lives. What will the next decades bring? It’s no exaggeration to say we’re on the cusp of scientific and technological advancements that will change howRead… Read more »

Gov Ponders The Internet Of Things – Plus The 7 Stories You Need To Know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: After a rough January, the Thrift Investment Plan’s funds were back in the black for February. In fact, all the retirement funds were up by more than .5%. We get a look at your retirement numbers with the TSP Board’s Kim Weaver. You can find all of our programs online: DorobekINSIDER.comRead… Read more »