Yearly Archives: 2014

Choosing an Applicant Tracking System to Insure OFCCP Compliance

Tips for choosing an applicant tracking system to promote OFCCP compliance OFCCP regulations are specifically for companies with federal contracts but it’s the responsibility of every US employer to avoid employment discrimination. In today’s connected world where applicants can easily apply to job openings with a few mouse clicks, using a spreadsheet to track complianceRead… Read more »

Free 3D Software for Civil Engineers

If you regularly read this blog, you already know we strongly believe 3D visualizations and environments will play a big role in the future of civil engineering. Over the last several years we’ve seen an increasing use of 3D products to help people better plan and build large-scale developments and structures. Last year, FHWA incorporatedRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Stocks bounced around quite a bit last week, and the trend was for strong morning action, followed by some profit taking later in the day, but when it was over, we saw respectable gains for the week. The situation in the Ukraine has investor’s on their toes, but the indices continue to climb that preverbalRead… Read more »

There’s No Match.Com for Mentorship

Dating sites spout all sorts of algorithms on love. They say if you join their dating service, their computers will crunch the numbers and find you the perfect match. Sometimes it works. But when it comes to government mentorship, finding the right person isn’t so calculable. There is not a match making algorithm for mentorship.Read… Read more »

NASCIO Unveils To-Do List For States – Plus Your Weekend Reads

Priority lists are commonplace in government. There are the 25-point implementation plans, the 7-year contracts and the 30-leases. However, creating a priority list of action items to be completed in the next year is rare. But that is exactly what the National Association of State Chief Information Officers have done by releasing their annual listRead… Read more »

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started With Security Governance

Article Posted on behalf of Vo Ballard of Cask, LLC. – If the word ‘governance’ sounds like a high level concept that is only applicable to high level managers, chances are you may be missing the cornerstone of a framework that guides and directs the why and how your organization conducts business. If you thinkRead… Read more »

Parameters Are The Problem

This was originally posted at I recently ran across a business article about aligning your strategy with your environment. The hook was a cartoon of a man yelling “Why won’t this gigantic square peg fit in this round hole?!” Standare fare, age-old advice. Of course we should make sure that our strategies make senseRead… Read more »

4 Essentials for Your Government Portal

Government agencies are quickly transforming to increase efficiencies and productivity as they adopt emerging technologies. With the emergence of web portals, increased consumer adoption of mobile devices, and higher demand for online services, government institutions are tasked to use technology to meet the demands of citizens in new, innovative ways. To meet citizen demands andRead… Read more »

Using Administrative Data for Statistical Purposes

“Start with what you have,” is the advice consultants recommend to organizations that are just launching a performance measurement initiative. And OMB has now issued guidance to that effect, encouraging agencies to use existing program administrative data in new ways. The Obama Administration has championed “open data” by encouraging agencies to make a wider rangeRead… Read more »

Peer Network Spotlight: Brett Lord-Castillo, St. Louis County

Brett Lord-Castillo (@blordcastillo) is the GIS Programmer for St. Louis County Emergency Management, part of the St. Louis County Police in Missouri — and a passionate mapmaker. He also helps organize a local civic hacking meetup group, Open Data STL, and recently led St. Louis’ first-ever CodeAcross event, bringing together community advocates, representatives of theRead… Read more »