Yearly Archives: 2014

What is a Veteran?  

The other day, as I sat among an honored crowd of Veterans, I wept quietly for a number of reasons. You see, my youngest children both are in schools where Veterans are honored in beautifully displayed ceremonies full of patriotic pomp and circumstance. I sat there as the only woman Veteran. I sat there asRead… Read more »

Meeting of the Minds

The mere mention of a meeting can send people scrambling for the solace of a long email chain. But meetings don’t have to be catalysts for eye rolls or iPhone games. Creativity is key. Within the EPA Innovation Team, we occasionally have walking meetings. I’m a big fan. Coffee meetings? Not as much. Despite meetingsRead… Read more »

The End of the One-Size-Fits-All Model

Last month, GovLoop had several posts that showed some of the challenges facing healthcare professionals. One example? Matt Garlipp, our current GovLoop Research Fellow, shared how IBM’s Smarter Care initiative coordinates disparate healthcare systems to create more efficient and less costly outcomes for social programs. Smarter Care comes at a critical time for healthcare professionals.Read… Read more »

“Myth Busters” for Millennials

“Ask again later.” Not my favorite answer from a Magic 8 Ball. And possibly worse than any of the more neutral responses because it’s almost blatantly rejecting my question. But, when I do get a “Yes – definitely,” I am ecstatic with the fortune-telling toy. Who doesn’t enjoy getting a straightforward answer, like advice fromRead… Read more »

You Can Map That?

When you think of maps most people automatically think about directions. The most obvious reason to look at a map is to figure out how to get somewhere. If you are anything like me – the directionally challenged – you can spend hours pouring over a route in an effort not to get lost. But directionsRead… Read more »

Calling All Writers: Be a GovLoop Featured Blogger!

The applications are now closed – thanks for you interest! If you want to apply later on, we’ll be doing another featured blogger round at the end of March 2015. At GovLoop, we pride ourselves on our community. There are over 150,000 of you — government employees, industry partners, and knowledge experts — who areRead… Read more »

Stop Failing, Start Learning: Try Rapid Prototyping

John Godfrey Saxe, an American poet, introduced the Indian parable “The Blind Men and the Elephant” to a Western audience. In this tale, six blind men touch the same elephant, but each perceives something different about the animal. “And so these men of Indostan disputed loud and long, each in his own opinion exceeding stiffRead… Read more »

Why Information Governance Matters

Today, pretty much everything is going digital, including government information and documents. But for public agencies with outdated, hard copy records management systems, how do they handle demands to manage vast amounts of data and digitized documents? It’s no easy task, but the implementation of an effective information governance strategy is critical to agency performance.Read… Read more »