Yearly Archives: 2014

The Power of Reach Tour – How To Get Your Message Out Effectively

It was the the tweet heard around the country: “CAPTURED!!! The hunt is over. The search is done. The terror is over. And justice has won. Suspect in custody” The first official announcement that law enforcement agencies had concluded their manhunt for Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev didn’t come at a press conference. ItRead… Read more »

More Communication, Collaboration Needed in Federal Cybersecurity

By Jeff Ghelerter and Curtis Cote The numbers are astonishing. There are around 70 million cyber-attacks on the Department of Defense per week, or roughly 115 per second, and the National Nuclear Security Administration matches those numbers. Cyber-attacks on the federal government increased 782% between 2006 and 2012, and 66% of security breaches go undetectedRead… Read more »

Dissecting The Issues And Fixes – Plus The 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Good government comes from good people. Plain and simple. You can’t accomplish anything in government, let alone make it more effective, unless you have the right people in the right jobs. This makes sense, but then why doesn’t the government focus on hiring? Why are Chief Human Capital Officers routinely excludedRead… Read more »

The 21st Century is a Really Bad Time for Control Freaks

The 21st Century is a really bad time for control freaks. – Alec Ross, former Senior Advisor for Innovation to the U.S. Secretary of State The State Department trusts its employees to tweet – why doesn’t yours? The above quote was mentioned by Graham Lampa, State Department Office of Public Diplomacy, at the SocialGov Summit,Read… Read more »

Throwback Thursday: Actors Don’t Hide their Oscars, Why Should You? … It’s Oscars season again!

As we prepare for the Oscars this Sunday (Hosted by Ellen!) I thought it would be a great time to look at the lessons that the Oscars can teach us in government. Paul Binkley, in this article from the 2012 Oscars, remarks on how the government should not hide their awards and accomplishments. Originally PostedRead… Read more »

The Government’s Hand (and Money) in Social Media

The data is out, government vendors manage to make money helping the government use social media. In fact, one of SmartProcure’s fellow participants in Code for America’s 2013 Accelerator was Archive Social, a fantastic govtech company that helps government agencies archive their social media activity. Here are the results based on the study of governmentRead… Read more »

Good Gov Comes From Good People – So Why Doesn’t Gov Care More About Hiring

Good government comes from good people. Plain and simple. You can’t accomplish anything in government, let alone make it more effective, unless you have the right people in the right jobs. This makes sense, but then why doesn’t the government focus on hiring? Why are Chief Human Capital Officers routinely excluded from a leadership seat?Read… Read more »

Key Strategies to Dealing with the New Normal for Government Agencies and Contractors

Have you ever noticed how often in life signs all point in the same direction? The same issues keep coming up; the same themes keep reappearing? It’s as though the message carries such extreme importance that we are destined to sit up and take notice. If you’ve been following my blog posts over the lastRead… Read more »