Yearly Archives: 2014

2014 Public Participation Interviews: John Lewis on Outreach

We recently started reading a terrific interview series from the talented team at Collaborative Services on public participation lessons they have learned in the last year, and we wanted to share their insights with the NCDD community. The third interview in the series features the reflections of John Lewis of Intelligent Futures, who shares insightsRead… Read more »

An Uncluttered Inbox = An Uncluttered Mind

Hello, my name is Lindsey, and I am an email hoarder. At least, I was in the past. With each new email account (personal, school, work) I opened, my inbox would balloon. A few emails would turn into a few hundred, eventually snowballing into a few thousand. I started missing emails and losing track ofRead… Read more »

Veterans Speak Out Against a Debilitating Federal Workplace Harming the Health of America’s Returning Military

(WASHINGTON, DC) — In a recently released statement veterans, members of The Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C), called for the U.S. Congress and the Obama administration to stop the political power play and to mandate that federal supervisory and management officials face discipline for willfully breaking civil rights and whistleblower protection laws. “The unrestrained retaliatoryRead… Read more »

4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Cloud Computing – RECAP

Three years ago the term cloud computing buzzed into the government space, but now a few years have passed and agencies are wondering what’s next? How do you maximize the use of cloud? How can you capitalize on its benefits? How do you avoid risk and security concerns? GovLoop and Oracle teamed-up to provide trainingRead… Read more »

Is the Internet of Things a Thing for Gov – Plus the 7 Gov Stories You Need To Know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: “You’ve been hacked.” That is the line that every person dreads waking up to in their inbox. But securing your identity and your privacy is no easy task. The government has been using identity and access management tools for years, commonly known as IAM. IAM uses a four part verification processRead… Read more »

Analytics in Action: City of Dubuque Case Study

Just like water, data flows from many different places and can be difficult to control. “Information is our generation’s next natural resource,” said Ginni Rometty, IBM CEO. But using analytics to uncover, capture, and mind trends in information can help agencies lower costs, maximize limited resources, and improve overall operational efficiency. To help you understandRead… Read more »

Facebook’s Purchase of WhatsApp Was Well Played

With Facebook’s $19 billion purchase of WhatsApp, the social network has strategically solidified its position as the most dominant social media platform. This is not surprising to me, considering that my December blog post focused on WhatsApp being the next big story. Despite recent reports of fewer teens using Facebook, it now owns two ofRead… Read more »

Eight ways to craft a top government tweet

Often the issue today is no longer how an agency or council gets a message or response approved for release via social media, but rather how to cut through all the noise. I analysed the top tweets by Australian governments and councils over the last two months, as reported by Great Oz Gov Tweets. OutRead… Read more »

The 4 A’s Government Needs to Protect Your Privacy

“You’ve been hacked.” That is the line that every person dreads waking up to in their inbox. But securing your identity and your privacy is no easy task. The government has been using identity and access management tools for years, commonly known as IAM. IAM uses a four part verification process that helps cut downRead… Read more »

DOD’s brave new world – Plus the 7 Gov Stories You Need to Know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Measuring the success of a virtual internship program can be tricky, and metrics matter quite a bit in government. So how do you create metrics for a virtual internship program? Insights from the Virtual Internship Program at the State Department. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoopRead… Read more »