Yearly Archives: 2014

Infographic of the Month – February 2014 (Snapchat!)

Over the last month or so I’ve gotten several inquiries from people who were wondering about Snapchat – a newer social media tool most often used as an app on a mobile device. The idea behind Snapchat is for you to send an image with or without a message to either all of your followersRead… Read more »

What’s your contracting legacy?

Federal managers, especially those involved in procurements, say that they want to have a lasting impact and leave their organizations better off than before they came. Most start out with grand plans, an open mind, and a real desire to make positive changes. But then something happens… The change is much harder than they realized,Read… Read more »

The Good Government Can Do With Data

Data, data, data. It’s seems to be important to all people these days. Technologists talk about where to put it, how to manage it, how to secure it. Data scientists talk about how to analyze and answer questions using modern analytics that were previously difficult, if not impossible to answer. Business leaders talk about itRead… Read more »

Build Better Virtual Events & Training For Your Agency

As attendees settled into their chairs, hastily grabbing coffee and tea from the refreshments table, an unspoken question lingered in the air. Over 200 people attended yesterday’s in-person conference, “Build Better Virtual Events & Training for Your Agency,” presented by GovLoop and ON24. And to the relief of the crowd, the question was immediately addressedRead… Read more »

Workarounds as Evidence of Broken Processes

I work for a culture (the Air Force) that prides itself on innovation and a mission-first approach. However, in a long-term work project involving process mapping and process design for an internal customer, I’ve also noticed a culture of workarounds driven by several factors: 1) obsolete yet required forms; 2) lack of concrete guidance fromRead… Read more »

What governments can teach businesses about social

Below is the presentation I gave at Social Business 2014 today on what governments can teach business in Australia about using social media and digital effectively. There’s plenty of good examples of how government is using social well – for policy development, service delivery, engagement and more. eGov AU Craig Thomler’s personal Gov 2.0 andRead… Read more »

SUCCESS RULE #36 Learn To Let Go

In the last rule, “Learn to let it go” we talked about letting go of past hurt and bitterness. In this rule, we are addressing how to “Let Go”. Once your read this rule, you will see the difference. By following both of these rules, you will find a path to success much more attainable.Read… Read more »

First the internet, then social media and now crowdfunding is disrupting government

Government has proven no more immune to disruption by digital than any other industry. The internet changed the model for governments in delivering information and dealing with pressure groups. It has been a largely positive disruption, facilitated billions in savings as government moved services online in egovernment initiatives. At the same time it has seenRead… Read more »