Yearly Archives: 2014

Making Gov Innovations Matter – Plus the 7 gov stories you need to know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Workforce = mission. If you don’t have the right people it is a recipe for disaster. But getting the recipe right is a huge challenge. So how do you make it work? Insights from the Government Accountability Office. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop Insights atRead… Read more »

Startup Culture Has a Place in Government

Although both sides may be loath to admit it, large government agencies and big corporations share many of the same organizational characteristics. Both generally have sizeable human capital requirements. Both are governed by bureaucratic rules and procedures. And both have been delivering their services, in one form or another, for a long time. Of course,Read… Read more »

Open Source Myths and Software as a Renewable Resource

This is the first installment in a two-part series on open source software (OSS) for enterprise IT. The second installment features an open source success story in the New York Senate. “The leading innovation in software development today is actually happening in the open source community.” – Adam Clater, Red Hat, Inc. Last week IRead… Read more »

Can Online Comment Sections Be Dialogue Spaces?

Whether we participate in them or not, online comments sections of news and opinion websites are a venue for great dialogue to take place, but too often, they are vitriolic and unproductive. That’s why we wanted to share a great article from the Illuminations blog run by Journalism That Matters featuring thoughts from a numberRead… Read more »

Now is the winter of our discontent…due in part to exposure to germs and viruses!

Now is the winter of our discontentMade inglorious winter by these germs at work;And all the viruses that lour’d upon our houseIn the deep bosom of the arctic buried. Okay, the first line was directly from Shakespeare’s Richard III – the rest was my butchery of his poem! Sorry Bill… I am fortunate that IRead… Read more »

How leaders can get the best ideas from their employees?

What can leaders to do to get employees to share their best ideas with you? Great way to increase employee engagement, and generate innovation in your organization… Many senior leaders try to get creative ideas from employees; however, the wall between you and your employees is profoundly thick, even if you don’t think it is.Read… Read more »

Do Workforce Challenges Create A Mission Impossible for Gov?

“Workforce = mission. If you don’t have the right people it is a recipe for disaster,” said Goldenkoff. But hiring and retaining top talent has been a big problem for government. The Government Accountability Office looked at workforce challenges in their new report, “Recent Trends in Federal Civilian Employment and Compensation. Robert Goldenkoff is theRead… Read more »

Digital Era Success: 5 Building Blocks

Summary: The main building blocks for Digital Era success are leadership, governance, digital competencies, education and training, and change management. Each requires a unique set of considerations that differ from traditional success factors, and in some cases are unprecedented. Many Industrial Era mental models, processes and cultural values are not transferable to or effective inRead… Read more »