Yearly Archives: 2014

Communicating Europe through the inter-agency approach:

How to navigate the swamps and paradoxes a special guest post by Vincenzo Le Voci, Secretary-General of the European Union’s Club of Venice Europe’s great project was founded in the aftermath of two global conflicts to achieve one great ambition: a better Europe, enshrined with democratic rights and values to be enjoyed by every oneRead… Read more »

Southampton City Council’s Journey to Email Marketing Success

In her presentation, “Unitary Government Success Story: Southampton City Council,” at this year’s annual UK digital communications event, Communications Manager Rosanna Coppen shared the story of Southampton City Council’s journey to creating a successful email marketing program. Prior to switching to the GovDelivery system in July of 2012, all of the Council’s group emailing wasRead… Read more »

Using the C-Suite to Manage your Risky Business

This article was originally posted by John Lainhart and Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. As the world becomes more digitized and interconnected, the door to emerging threats and proprietary data leaks has opened wider. The number of security breaches affecting enterprises across numerous industries continues to grow, seeminglyRead… Read more »

Three Key Factors for Leaders to Remember

Here are 3 key factors for any leader desiring a change in their organization to remember These actions are critical in any transformation. First, leaders must recognize that the power of a plan or vision comes from the people understanding and adopting it. But, contrary to what many believe just having that ‘compelling vision’ isRead… Read more »

No Love for Gov on Presidents’ Day

As our nation observes Presidents’ Day there’s not much good news regarding how citizens view government at the national level – from Congress, to the White House, to federal agencies. This is a sobering and troubling reality, especially for feds. Presidents’ Day is supposed to be “a time of patriotic celebration and remembrance,” according toRead… Read more »

RIGHT WRITING: The Business of Blogging: One Voice of 14

Blogging. Why bother? It’s a question I’ve asked myself before as I’ve reached for the laptop after a busy day when probably a bottle of wine would have been better. As it turns out, I’m not alone. According to one estimate there are more than 200 million and that’s not event counting micro-blogging platform Twitter.Read… Read more »

Help me create a crowdfunding video for a social media planning tool

I need a little help from folks in Canberra for an upcoming project. I’m crowdfunding a social media planning tool I developed to help people increase their social media expertise and assist teams in planning effective social media strategies. I’ve used the tool with hundreds of people to great effect, however need a little fundingRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Stocks rallied last week with some indices testing, and even breaking above, their December highs. Here are the weekly, monthly, and annual TSP fund returns through Friday, February 14… The S&P 500 (SPY / C-fund)) filled its open gap from January (red), and the old highs are within a stone’s throw. Stocks may be aRead… Read more »

DPAP Asks for Industry Input on 400 DFARS Requirements

Wednesday night brought 14 inches of snow—significantly more than predicted! (Gee, how did that happen?) I spent Thursday morning shoveling the driveway and sidewalk. Everything is closed. The streets are not plowed. It is Washington, DC. Enough already! It is time for Olde Man Winter to retire! And with the venting done, let’s turn toRead… Read more »

More Than Numbers, Social Media Is About Engagement – Plus Your Weekend Reads

In today’s government, social media use is less about broadcasting messages and more about engaging citizens in a new way. What does that mean? Well, it means that instead of just sending out a Tweet from your agency Twitter feed, agencies are actively searching for ways to make that broadcast into a conversation. It soundsRead… Read more »