Yearly Archives: 2014

Python for ArcGIS: Professional Development at the 2014 Esri Federal GIS Conference

This week I had the great fortune of attending the 2014 Esri Federal GIS Conference. GIS professionals from federal, state, and local agencies joined industry experts for two days of workshops, immersion summits, speaking engagements, and hands-on training sessions. Of course, with over 100 different professional development workshops and seminars to choose from, the realRead… Read more »

Shifting Digital Sands

An edited version of this has also been published on the Guardian Public Leaders Network Blog The landscape of digital is constantly changing and being redefined with every new development, technology breakthrough, success and failure. We need digital public sector leaders who can properly navigate this environment, and ensure that they are connected to outcomesRead… Read more »

The Right Hand Giveth Edition: CBG Round-up, 02.14.2014

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Talking Social. FCW has a recap of an AFCEA event on Social Media in Government, whie Alec Ross talks about diplomats’ use of Twitter, and we are warned that Social Media seems to be making us smarter, but what the right hand giveth. . . Mobile, Telework, and Crowdsourcing. These articles are interrelated,Read… Read more »

Hacking into SCADA

Fortunately, for many years, the water and wastewater industry did not experience too many breaches on the digital front. But a few years back, the Stuxnet virus showed up and our digital innocence was shattered. When this happened, I was somewhat surprised because of the lack of previous attacks, but I never really heard howRead… Read more »

Welcome To The New!

If you’re reading this right now, you’re on a shiny new website created by Code for America and our collaborators at ClearLeft. We’ve been in testing for the last several weeks and this is by no means the end of development (we don’t believe in the end of development). But today, Valentine’s Day, is theRead… Read more »

Overcoming Challenges: Making Big Data Stick at Your Agency

There’s no denying that big data is transforming the way which government operates. There are so many different applications and needs for big data analysis. The challenge of learning to manage the volume, variety and velocity of data is not going away anytime soon. In fact, this challenge is getting harder for agencies to tackle,Read… Read more »

When Snow Hits, How Can We Help Those Most Vulnerable?

For the elderly and people with disabilities, snowstorms can mean being trapped at home unable to get to work, to the food store, to the pharmacy, or have the mail delivered. It can mean that for days, you’re stuck alone in your home fearful of what might happen and that the stability of your healthRead… Read more »

Netflix’s Five Tenets of HR

Silicon Valley is known for its technology, not its management, innovations. But some of its management innovations are worth looking at. Netflix’s HR policies rank right up there when it threw out the standard playbook! Former Netflix chief talent officer, Patty McCord, describes its key talent management tenets in a recent Harvard Business Review article.Read… Read more »

Is There A Secret Sauce To Innovation?

What is the recipe for a perfect innovator or an innovative city? One dash idea. Two cups execution? Three cups metrics? Four cups risk? Creating the perfect recipe for innovation might be impossible. But the City of Denver has been working hard to create a culture of innovation and execution. Frank Daidone is the ChiefRead… Read more »