Yearly Archives: 2014

Applying Instameets to Your Event

Federal Computer Week recently highlighted the growing use of the practice of instameets in government. Most recently, Instagram users were invited to submit photos or videos (via Instagram) to show why they should be invited to a sneak peek of DC’s cuddliest new resident, Bao Bao the baby panda. The National Zoo picked the winnersRead… Read more »

Is Data the Next Natural Resource?

Data is poised to change everything we do. Just as fossil fuels transformed the global economy a century ago, data should be considered the next untapped, raw natural resource. For public agencies, this wealth of information provides enormous opportunities for greater cost efficiency, service delivery effectiveness and connectivity between the centralized operations and the widelyRead… Read more »

Interesting elsewhere – 12 February 2014

Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web The policy world and academia offer widely different opportunities for early career researchers. | Impact of Social Sciences In academia you look for a problem you can answer well, and in policy you find the best answer you can to the problem you are given. StrikingRead… Read more »

Use open data from the Victorian Government to improve awareness and literacy for social and safety issues – potentially win $2,500

The Spatial Industries Business Association (SIBA) in conjunction with the Victorian Department of State Development, Business and Innovation (DSDBI), have launched a data competition to identify approaches using Victorian government open data to improve awareness and literacy for social and safety issues. The competition is open for registration, with entries closing 28 February and winnersRead… Read more »

The Rise of Social Media: understanding the psychology behind the technology

At a well-attended and deeply informative AFCEA breakfast this morning, four #SocialGov luminaries sat on a panel moderated by the ever-capable Chris Dorobek. At one point, Chris asked me what was different about public sector use of social media now than in 2010, when I started in my current role. I wanted to answer thatRead… Read more »

A Debt Deal Done? Plus the Seven Gov Stories You Need To Know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Innovation is one of those Rorschach terms, where innovation means different things to different people. Even amongst Chief Innovation Officers the role of innovation at an agency can vary greatly. So what really makes an innovative program? Pamela Wright is the first ever Chief Innovation Officer at NARA. We uncover herRead… Read more »

2014 Customer Service Culture

Business leaders have to create an environment that motivates employees to want to take care of customers. A strong company culture is now one of the key criteria for employees when choosing where they want to work. Once employees join your organization, your company culture will have a direct impact on how they work forRead… Read more »

Meet NARA’s First Chief Innovation Officer – Part 1

Innovation is one of those Rorschach terms, where innovation means different things to different people. Even amongst Chief Innovation Officers the role of innovation at an agency can vary greatly. So what really makes an innovative program? Pamela Wright is the first ever Chief Innovation Officer at NARA. She was also named one of FCW’sRead… Read more »