Yearly Archives: 2014

CodeAcross is Here!

It’s that time of year again: time to CodeAcross! On the weekend of February 21-23, Code for America and the Sunlight Foundation will host 40+ events around the globe. The mission of these events is to have citizens participate in making real progress towards taking open government “Beyond Transparency.” We’re making government data more openRead… Read more »

State of the Union 2014 at the White House Social: A Remarkable Day

It’s not every day you receive an invitation to the White House. On Tuesday, January 28th, a select group of social media savvy citizens who actively engage with the White House were invited to watch President Obama’s State of the Union live from the White House and live-tweet the address. Around 60 participants were chosenRead… Read more »

The SAPLING Approach to Leveraging Social Media

Everybody’s doing it. Should you? Are you trying to decide whether to create a stronger digital presence? Have you dabbled with social media but aren’t sure what to do next? Have you experimented with different tools and technologies and find you’re disappointed by the results? If you (or someone you know) can answer “yes” toRead… Read more »

How to Lead Change In Your Organization

I recently finished reading “The CMO Manifesto,” a 100-day action plan for marketing change agents by Forbes columnist and nFusion CEO John Ellett. The premise of the book is that a new CMO or any marketing leader, for that matter, is fundamentally a change agent. The book draws upon the collective insights of over 50Read… Read more »

Rethinking Gov 2.0 – Plus The Seven Gov Stories You Need To Know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Between 2009 and 2012, 45 states have made significant changes to their retirement plans. So what changed and how can government workers prepare for retirement most effectively? Insider tips from Elizabeth Kellar and Joshua Franzel. You can find all of our programs online: and GovLoop Insights at But upRead… Read more »

The power of information, tube strike edition

If you don’t know what’s going on in a system, it’s very hard to know how to respond to it. Those who have information are powerful, those who share information empower others. Some of that is about big stuff, but some of it is about very small things. So in the next couple of days,Read… Read more »

Retirement: Why the Next Generation Needs a Plan

“It’s the year 2043 and Cheryl, a 60-year-old public works employee with 30 years of service, has just reviewed her retirement savings with a financial adviser. She is surprised that she will need to work several more years to reach her retirement income goals. “My father retired from city government after 25 years and hadRead… Read more »

SUCCESS RULE #35 Learn To Let It Go

You can be bitter or you can be better. As a follower of the Rules and Tools, I want you to choose to be better. During the course of your success, you will undoubtedly come across those who don’t know the rules. Perhaps it’s that difficult person, or someone who will intentionally lie or crossRead… Read more »

Surviving the Next Skill Wave as Public Employees

NPR recently posed the following question: Do we all need to learn how to code software? According to the article, both Democrat and Republican leaders have expressed a desire to make programming a core skillset, placing it on equal footing with reading, math, and foreign language training. “Becoming literate in code is as essential toRead… Read more »