Yearly Archives: 2014

Why are large procurements so complex? vs. Deepwater has been a massive contracting challenge from the onset. What went wrong? “Contractors have pointed the finger at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, citing insufficient guidance, inadequate resources, a lack of authority to lead the project and changes requested a month before the site went live. In testimony to the House CommitteeRead… Read more »

Achieving Success with Agile Delivery

This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. The Center has released a new guide on how Federal agencies can leverage Agile development methods to achieve success. Many complex IT programs are encumbered by requirements that continually change over lengthy timeframes. The results are oftenRead… Read more »

2014 Data Innovation Day Report: Lessons for Building a ‘Smart City’

“All of a sudden it is cool to be a data geek.” Spoken enthusiastically by Tim Paydos of IBM, these words perfectly encapsulated the mood of Thursday’s 2014 Data Innovation Day. The conference, now in its second year, is a product of the Center for Data Innovation, a non-partisan think tank that researches the growingRead… Read more »

4 Leadership Lessons from the Grammy’s

Last night was one of my favorite nights of the year, the Grammy’s. Ever since a kid, I’ve loved music and watching the Grammy’s was a staple every year, regardless of my current fad (whether I was a hip-hop head to college radio indie hipster to Dylan aficionado). While watching the Grammy’s last night, IRead… Read more »

So what did Govcamp ever do for us?

Its easy to pick holes in most things and I am pretty good at doing it myself. Indeed it is also easy to find fault with Govcamp and the unconference format; and I can certainly see some things we can improve on regarding organising the event. However that does sound a bit odd ‘organising anRead… Read more »

Improving Deliberation on Health Care

We wanted to share this thought-provoking commentary on a recent study on health care opinions conducted by our friends and partners at Public Agenda and the Kettering Foundation. As our nation continues to grapple with reforming our health care system, we in the engagement community have a special role to play in helping our communitiesRead… Read more »