Yearly Archives: 2014

Why America’s Path to Economic Prosperity Relies on Data

The industrial revolution profoundly changed the socioeconomic and cultural landscape of society. The breakthroughs in manufacturing, creation of new products, workforce changes by the movement to create unions to create workers rights, new forms of government regulations, and the emergence of new markets, this was all shaped and sculpted by the technological advancements of theRead… Read more »

State of the Union Address 2014: Myths and Facts

What You’ll See is Tradition, Not Law Every year, the president delivers his State of the Union address to a special joint session of Congress. President Obama will do so Tuesday night, January 28, at 9:00 PM. The usual fanfare will accompany the event. Maybe there will some surprises too. The U.S. Constitution divides ourRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Stocks tumbled toward the end of last week triggered by some weak data out of China and trouble with emerging markets. Add to that a Fed who is ready for another round of tapering of QE, and investors got a little spooked. Here are the weekly, monthly, and annual TSP fund returns through Friday, JanuaryRead… Read more »

Mentoring at DC Shorts

For the second year, I’m going to be a screenwriting mentor at DC Shorts Mentors. I’ve been a judge for the DC Shorts Screenwriting Competition, won the Film DC screenplay competition and interviewed filmmakers for On Tap, so I’m glad to share my knowledge with budding screenwriters. I’ll be speaking on a panel on MarchRead… Read more »

EVENT 1/28 Civic Innovation, Can It Save Our Democracy?

Civic Innovation, Can It Save Our Democracy? Tuesday, January 28, 2014 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. New America Foundation1899 L Street NW Suite 400 Washington DC, 20036 Civic innovation is a term that is being used to describe everything from grassroots movements to the shareable economy to open government. While some may argue that theRead… Read more »

Revisited: Impact of the Price Reduction Clause

Here in DC it has been cold and snowy—and parents across the region are wondering if school is going to last through July 4th given all the cancellations. It seems that everyone in DC has lost productive time due to our winter weather. The Coalition is no exception. Our “Fundamentals of Ethics and Compliance” webinarRead… Read more »

Getting You Hired – New Job Application Tool for Local Government

Getting a government job can seem like an uphill battle and the application process can be brutal and bureaucratic. But now the people at Vision Internet have created a tool to help streamline the process for local governments. Ashley Fruechting the Director of Strategic Initiatives at Vision Internet. She told me during GovLoop’s State andRead… Read more »

Work Place

The question of how we work in a digital world is occupying me quite a lot at the moment. Prompted in part by my involvement with the project to deliver technology good enough for work, I wrote a post here a few weeks back on whether offices are redundant, with a couple of follow upRead… Read more »