Yearly Archives: 2014

Innovation Designed, Why Visuals Matter – Plus your Weekend Reads!

When you think of well designed and easily accessible websites, government examples probably don’t come to mind first. You probably think of Apple or CNN, but that is what the VA Modernization Team is trying to fix. The team is part of the second round of the Presidential Innovation Fellowship program, and their goal isRead… Read more »

Putting the Where in Social Analytics: How Location Analytics and Social Media is Transforming Government

Yesterday GIS professionals from throughout the Washington, DC metro area joined to share in an opportunity to learn more about the unique integration of social media and GIS. Social media has changed the way organizations engage and communicate with citizens. Yet, understanding how to truly leverage volumes of unstructured social media data presents unique challengesRead… Read more »

Are you planning to attend today’s FREE webinar? Top Challenges Facing CLO’s and other learning professionals

Join us for Free Webinar: Top Challenges Facing CLO’s and other learning professionals Friday, January 24: 11:00 – 11:45 AM EST During the session, I will share best practices from leading Fortune 1000 corporations and Federal agencies on how to build internal HR credibility and capacity To logon to session @ 11:00 AM EST, clickRead… Read more »

Link roundup

I find this stuff so you don’t have to: Redefining the Digital Divide | @helenmilner The system is failing, hack the system – via @annemcx The Four Freedoms – wonderful piece on #opensource by @photomatt The dangerous appeal of the Silicon Valley narrative G+ Hangout: open source CMS for local government Interested in social leadership?Read… Read more »

Indirect Economy, Direct Benefit

I was sitting in a board meeting when the subject of sponsors came up. It has come up in several organizations, actually. Usually goes around the table and then doesn’t go anywhere. When all is said and done a lot more is said than done. The refrain is we’re outa money, they’ve got money. Let’sRead… Read more »

How do you know?

I was reminded the other day, at a symposium our agency put on for HR staff across government, how important what I like to call “the epistemological challenge” can be. What do I mean by “the epistemological challenge”? Essentially, all the obstacles that exist to knowing, in a deep sense, what one wishes to know.Read… Read more »

Do You Know How Big Data Is Transforming the Business of Government?

There’s no question that big data is changing the way the government organizations do business. Although there are pockets of innovation, many agencies have yet to capitalize on the power of big data. The 3rd Annual Cloudera Federal Forum will be held February 6th, 2014. This event will bring together leaders from government and industryRead… Read more »