Yearly Archives: 2014

Improving Federal Customer Experience Is A National Security Imperative

Improving the U.S. federal customer experience (CX) is crucial to our nation’s long-term security. I’m not exaggerating. Improving federal CX is about far more than just boosting an agency’s ranking on the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) or raising a Net Promoter Score. It’s even about more than influencing the success or failure of major policies –Read… Read more »

Fostering The Current Generation’s Leadership Abilities

So often we talk about reaching out the next generation of government workers. While that is a critical step in order to prosper, the government also needs to spend some time developing its current leaders. One way to help them succeed? The Partnership for Public Service’s Excellence in Government Fellows Program – a staple ofRead… Read more »

Open Data Benefits

Open Data initiatives should be based on technologies that can collect and cleanse data in a standardized manner so that it can be leveraged quickly and effectively.

Innovation, From Outer Space to Overflowing Sewers

Prize competitions have led to incredible breakthroughs: naval navigation, architectural masterpieces like the Sydney Opera House, Charles Lindbergh’s transatlantic flight, and the commercialization of space travel. One of the first examples began in 1418 in Florence, Italy, when town officials issued a contest to build a dome for Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral – commonlyRead… Read more »

Recipe for a Citizen-Centric Report

Sugar, spices, eggs, measuring cup, mixing bowl, whisk. The recipe list can be endless when making your favorite cake, and the details are incredibly important. Each step is as vital as the last, up until the oven temperature and baking time. But what about the ingredients to an ideal financial report? Like a good recipe,Read… Read more »

Trust: Then and Now

With the growing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, being breached has become the rule, not the exception. Despite spending $28 billion annually on IT security, a recent study reported that over 90% of organizations have been breached. Data from KPMG corroborates the statistic, reporting a 93% breach rate. Each new week brings a newRead… Read more »