Yearly Archives: 2014

9 Things Not to Say to an American Indian/Alaska Native and Why

In Celebration of American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month. Indian Giver Definition- A person who takes a gift back after giving it to someone. Historical Context- To Native people, the giving of gifts should be reciprocated with a gift of something of greater value. Europeans interpreted these “gifts” as things that required no commensurate or biggerRead… Read more »

9 Learning Tips We Can All Use

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that we want to engage learners. Whether that be constituents, colleagues, our  specific teams, or other organizations, we want to create content, share it, and have as many people as possible learn from it. For ourselves, we want information to be interesting. We want it to beRead… Read more »

“Oprah on Steroids” — Quotes from Learning 2014

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend Elliott Masie’s Learning 2014 Conference in Disney World. In addition to hanging out with Mickey and an Abba cover band (I’m serious), it was an awesome four days of jam-packed learning. From personalized training and gamification to improving the on-boarding process, the conference pretty much covered it all. ThereRead… Read more »