Yearly Archives: 2014

Is Your Agency On The Road To Software-Defined IT?

Cloud, mobility, the Internet of Things – these transformative technologies mandate government agencies rethink their IT strategies. Now, more than ever before, the federal government needs to rapidly deploy innovative capabilities to support a more connected and automated environment. A growing number of connections and a steadily rising influx of data to manage are creatingRead… Read more »

8 Tips to Improve Your Writing

Writing’s tough. There’s no two ways around it. From being able to create an interesting narrative arc, to communicating your point clearly, to nailing grammar and punctuation, it’s a difficult subject to master. What makes it even more frustrating is that good writing is extremely important no matter your career choice. Professionally, being a weak writer orRead… Read more »

Federal Program Inventory Deemed Useless

Senator Tom Coburn is retiring in a few weeks, but he leaves behind a legislative legacy of attempting to create more coherency and transparency about what the federal government does. Senator Coburn has long campaigned against the seeming incomprehensibility of the federal government’s many programs. He sponsored two pieces of legislation in 2010 to addressRead… Read more »

What is In a Name?

American Indian and Alaska Native peoples and governments have been an integral part of the North American landscape. Against tremendous odds, they have endured great hardship and tragedy and yet remain a viable cultural, political, social and moral presence. They have taught the world diversity and inclusion values that are now ingrained in the humanRead… Read more »

You’ve Been Hacked: Now What?

The following blog post is an excerpt from a recent GovLoop guide: Your Cybersecurity Crash Course. We solicited the GovLoop community to learn their top cyber challenges and the report, we answer 12 of their most pressing cyber questions.   Having a strong cyberattack response plan is critical to the security and effectiveness of any organization. Recent data securityRead… Read more »

Defining Innovation

Definitions of innovation abound. And while we all live with variety and even ambiguity, it helps when people trying  to innovate are on the same page about what it means. defines innovation as “something new or different introduced.” Peter Drucker described it as the effort to create purposeful, systematic change in an enterprise’s economicRead… Read more »

Bump up Engagement to Bump up Leadership

It’s a bold new world for today’s federal leaders. Sitting in your office and shouting out edicts to your employees won’t cut it. Particularly with millennials, substantive employee engagement is absolutely necessary for successful leadership. This is true from the critical time of onboarding for a new hire through to an employee’s ongoing employment, developmentRead… Read more »

How Leaders Can Improve Employee Morale

When a crisis hits, leaders can overlook their people – focusing on the situation at hand, but forgetting about the person working right beside them. When employees see trust in government decline, their morale can suffer too. It becomes a domino effect – when employee morale suffers, so too does the agency’s ability to activelyRead… Read more »