Yearly Archives: 2014

That iPhone Under The Desk May Be Telling You Something

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is now the most prevalent psychiatric illness of young people in America, affecting 11 percent of them at some point between the ages of 4 and 17…. you may wonder whether something that affects so many people can really be a disease. – Richard A. Friedman, “A Natural Fix for ADHD,” The NewRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Stocks started last week with a small loss on Monday, but by Tuesday the bulls were back in business. There was a 2-day FOMC meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday and the Fed didn’t say anything to upset investors. That opened the door for buyers to take charge into the end of the week. Here areRead… Read more »

Is Your State Ready for the Midterms?

With midterm elections around the corner, candy and trick-or-treating aren’t the only things on the mind. People are also thinking about voting. For everyday citizens, this constitutes mulling over candidates and political parties. For state administrators, however, this involves reviewing and certifying that voting and registration systems are adequately set in place. Shortly after theRead… Read more »

Is Our Healthcare System at a Breaking Point?

Is our current healthcare system reaching a breaking point? A recent IBM infographic and research report points to yes. The infographic notes that 17.6% of U.S. GDP is consumed by healthcare spending, 9 million deaths are due to preventable risks, and half a trillion in annual costs could be avoided by improving medicine adherence. “PerhapsRead… Read more »

How Your Cellphone Can Halt Ebola

Think about the computing power within your pocket: you can find the closest jumbo slice, order an Uber ride home and…track and target diseases? That’s right. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – the same technology that powers maps on your smartphone – can be used to help medical providers map the spread of diseases like EbolaRead… Read more »

GovLoop Training: Information Governance Strategies in the Era of Big Data

All words ever spoken by human beings = 5 Exabytes of data. 1000 Exabytes = 1 Zetabyte. Current world data = 7.9 Zetabytes. Ponder that for a second. Data on such a vast scale is hard to fathom. Especially as it growing exponentially, estimated to reach a dumbfounding 40 Zetabytes by 2022. A much simplerRead… Read more »

Healthy Eating at Work

I have an accounting degree and a (dusty) nutrition degree, and sometimes it’s more fun to talk about food instead of financial statements! In order to achieve optimal performance at your job, you want to ensure you are properly fueling your body. A healthy diet can lower the risk of many chronic diseases, elevate mood,Read… Read more »