Yearly Archives: 2014

Eightfold Path to Public Service Enlightenment: Morality

Welcome back for part 2 of this series where we continue the journey down the Eightfold Path to Public Service Enlightenment. I will be building on concepts from last week so if you have not already read part one please do so. Eightfold Path to Public Service Enlightenment: Wisdom In part 1 we covered theRead… Read more »

Your ECM Crash Course

Last month we talked about the 10 benefits of going paperless. But how can your agency execute on a paperless vision? It all starts with understanding Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems. GovLoop and Hyland, a market leader in ECM technology, created a variety of resources to help you understand the importance of ECM (see ourRead… Read more »

What’s Missing in Professional Development

When I look at plans for Professional Development, I think we are missing the point. We make it all about the individual shaping his or her future. There should be more to it if one takes the notion, professional development should involve the people who have a say in a person’s career. Organizations say, maybeRead… Read more »

Innovation by the Cup

I don’t drink coffee, but I take my coffee breaks seriously. Coffee fueled an important span of breakthroughs in human thought, according to Steven Johnson in a popular TED talk. Johnson posits that English coffeehouses provided the necessary space and stimulant to drive a sustained era of innovations that began in the mid 17th centuryRead… Read more »

How To Manage Difficult Personality Types

You’ll find all types in an office, right? As a manager with a team ranging from the type A worker bee who’s more detail-oriented than even you are to the brilliant-yet-frustrating creative who’s full of fantastic ideas but lacks follow-through, your communication style needs to be flexible. A good manager understands that each employee requiresRead… Read more »

Citizen Engagement: How Government is Improving Customer Service

The customer is always right. If you’ve ever worked at any retailer, restaurant, or franchised store, you may have gotten a lecture or two from your manager that included this phrase. And there is definitely truth behind it. Like any good retail establishment, successful government agencies are centered on meeting the needs of the publicRead… Read more »

Digital Communications & the Rise of the CMO

CMO. CDO. CXO. Just a few acronyms for the increasingly important job that focuses on customer experience and digital communications. (For now, let’s just stick with CMO: Chief Marketing Officer.) At GovLoop’s Wednesday event, The Citizen & the Government: How They Connect, Brian Paget, Technical Director for Content & Analytics at Adobe, and David Yang, ViceRead… Read more »