Yearly Archives: 2014

12 Ways To Achieve Federal Wealth & Success – Part II

Last week, I wrote a post listing nine things federal employees can do to reach their income potential. This week, I list the last 12 habits based off the book, Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals, by Tom Corley. They are: You Reject Self-Limiting Thoughts – Successful people command their thoughts andRead… Read more »

Don’t Slouch on Support

I live and die by screen sharing and today I died by it. After upgrading my desktop mac to Yosemite with no issues on Saturday I decided to break my own rule and bring the laptop along as well. I didn’t have any really good reason, I just was sitting around and decided to do it.Read… Read more »

Fostering a Feedback-Centric Culture

One of my company’s core values is “Inner Voice”. We internalize and implement this value in many ways, but the gist is: ‘Say what you’re really thinking.’ We encourage every single one of our employees, no matter what their title or role is, to speak up and voice their opinions, concerns, questions, reflections, etc. By puttingRead… Read more »

Are Gov Employees Risk Averse?

I stumbled into the federal government by accident. When I quit swimming after my sophomore year of college, I waited tables to help pay tuition. As my senior year progressed, I realized I needed to gain some accounting experience. A local tax preparer called and asked my roommate if she was interested in a job.Read… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

After finally bottoming on October 15th, stocks followed through this past week with some solid gains. We saw a combination of strong earnings reports, an oversold market, and investors who were underinvested trying to get back into stocks, and that translated into a sharp rebound off the lows. Here are the weekly, monthly, and annualRead… Read more »

GovLoop Training: Secure Your Network & Protect Your Agency

It’s a scary digital world out there. A recent GAO study found that cyber attacks on government have increased 782% between 2006 and 2012. With increasing amounts of sensitive data stored in your network or cloud, your agency faces risks that are not to be taken lightly. It’s not all doom and gloom, however. There are stepsRead… Read more »