Yearly Archives: 2014

Fighting Human Trafficking with the EEOC

Drugs and illegal firearms. These are usually the first things to pop in your head when you think of the black market. But what is another, less easily documented crime? Human trafficking. Yes, slavery still exists today. And human trafficking is currently one of the fastest growing black market activities, with unreported cases numbering inRead… Read more »

Innovator: A Definition

Innovation in government only sounds like an oxymoron to people who haven’t kept up with the work of government employees at all levels. The distinct challenge of nurturing innovative ideas in the public sector made my job description so interesting when I applied. Last month, I celebrated two years as a government contractor and communication lead —Read… Read more »

Changing the Lens on Government IT: Refocusing on Innovation

The federal government faces a daunting IT challenge. Due to aging legacy infrastructure and out-of-control maintenance costs, agencies are struggling to keep pace with best practices that have become commonplace in the commercial space. Benchmarking government objectives with industry standards is a great starting point for driving innovative technologies that allow the government to getRead… Read more »

How to Promote Yourself Without Bragging

We all know how powerful networking can be when we’re on the hunt for a job – but what we don’t often talk about is how important it is to network within your organization while you’re happily employed. If you’re looking for a promotion, a pay raise, or to avoid being downsized, you can’t justRead… Read more »

Breaking Down the Fourth Wall on Project Management

Imagine your manager gives you a new project to manage and you are required to develop a strategy for the next year. A few other requirements are identified and you are sailing along great until it happens. You realize that the program requirements have now put you in a “box” where all the parameters areRead… Read more »

6 Important Reminders for Managers from Google Leadership

Here at GovLoop and GovDelivery, supervisors occasionally trade tips, management ideas, and best practices over email. We love learning from one another, and are constantly looking for ways to improve the way our companies work. So when Scott Burns, GovDelivery’s CEO, sent across an email with Book Recommendation: How Google Works, as the subject line, myRead… Read more »

Midterm Elections – Why They Matter & How You Can Stay Informed

America needs a morale boost. According to an article from USA Today, 87% of U.S. citizens are dissatisfied with our current Congress. This number may be high, but it is a huge reason why the upcoming midterm elections are especially important. USA Today lists five reasons why midterm elections should matter to you: You willRead… Read more »