Yearly Archives: 2014

Use Data-driven Marketing to Improve Your Public Service

In our recent online training, Spreading the Word: Data-Driven Marketing for Government, we spoke with Sean Shoffstall, Vice President of Innovation and Strategy at Teradata Interactive, about the way government’s marketing strategies are changing. He admitted upfront that the topic itself is surprising for many public servants. Most agencies and many nonprofit organizations don’t haveRead… Read more »

Getting the Most Out of a Gov Career

You’re a government employee! Congrats! You’re a rockstar! But now that you are in government, what’s next? How do you rise through the ranks? How do you become a decision maker? At the earlier stages of our careers, it’s sometimes tough to picture ourselves at the top of the organization, being the leader. Nevertheless, planningRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: Federal CIO VanRoekel exits

Hey there. I’m Christopher Dorobek — the DorobekINSIDER — and welcome GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER, where we focus on six words: Helping you do your job better. Happy Friday… And the big news on this Friday — the federal CIO, Steven VanRoekel, is stepping down from that post to return to U.S. Agency for International Development toRead… Read more »

How to Get a Gov Job Overseas

Although most federal jobs are located in the United States, upwards of 30,000 Americans are working as civilian employees for the federal government overseas. Some of the top agencies for overseas hiring include the Agency for International Development, the Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, Department of State, Peace Corps, and theRead… Read more »

New Books Community Garden, Continued

The Pope County Library System has a population of around 69,000 people. PCLS four branches cover a mostly rural area, with a small urban, college town. In an effort to enhance the lives of all of the residents of Pope County, Arkansas, the library system works and plans programming and events to provide the mostRead… Read more »

4 Reasons You Need to Market with Data

When you provide 5,600 blood transfusions, 424,000 measles vaccinations, 18,000 safety trainings, and countless other services to citizens each day, how are you supposed to present a single organization and mission? That was the question the American Red Cross’s (ARC) first Chief Marketing Officer, Peggy Dyer, was challenged with five years ago. Her response wasRead… Read more »

7 Ways You Kill Creativity in Your Meeting

Do your meetings have a creative killer? Newsrooms call them “story killers,” the naysayers at meetings who repeatedly shoot down stories while unsuspecting victims are trying to generate new ideas. Creative killers assassinate ideas, breeding fear and limiting impact for hundreds, maybe even thousands. These idea deaths never get investigated and their potential never getsRead… Read more »

7 Benefits of Using Analytics to Fight Crime

In a recent report by IBM, High Performance Law Enforcement, industry experts David Edwards, global public safety solution sales manager and Dr. Mary Keeling, manager, economic analysis, global smarter cities program at IBM, discussed the benefits of deploying an analytics program to combat crime. The report notes the significant changes law enforcement has gone throughRead… Read more »