Yearly Archives: 2014

5 Ways to Engage Users With Your Open Data

Your team has spent countless hours pulling together data, organizing it, and finally publishing it for anyone to use. Congratulations! You’ve successfully created open data. But your job is not yet done. The next step is to engage your audience with the information you’ve produced. After all, what’s the use of opening your data toRead… Read more »

We Used to Be Rockstars

Originally published at I still remember when I got my first invitation to speak. It was a Scheming Virtuously double bill in Calgary then Edmonton. I took vacation from one department while another paid my travel because it was just easier than getting approvals. I’d never done any public speaking before so I volunteeredRead… Read more »

10 Tips to Land a Federal Government Interview

I’m throwing a disclaimer out here first: I’m an Accountant, not a Human Resources Specialist. That being said, I find the HR components of the federal government really interesting. Perhaps the most puzzling aspect is how to land that elusive interview. So here are a few lessons I learned along the way… 1. If youRead… Read more »

Changing the Network Conversation

On August 13, Brocade co-hosted the 2014 Federal Forum with MeriTalk, bringing together leaders in government and industry to talk about changing the network conversation to bring the federal government into the 21st century.  Change can be scary, especially to a community as risk-averse as the federal government – but change is also necessary –Read… Read more »

OpenFDA: Ushering in a New Era of Government

Below is an excerpt from GovLoop’s latest guide, Capitalizing on the Open Data Revolution. You can access the full guide here.  MedWatcher is a free mobile and web app that allows patients to understand and report side effects of drugs, medical devices and vaccines. The service was created in 2010 and is an early exampleRead… Read more »

The Worst 4-Letter Word in the Government

George Carlin is one of my favorite comedians of all time. He had the gift to recognize a completely normal situation and turn it into something hilarious. One of his most unforgettable jokes was his “Seven Dirty Words.” You don’t have to think very hard to come up with the seven. I’ll give you aRead… Read more »

Management Lessons From Challah & Wine

The traditional Shabbos meal begins with wine and challah. Although they taste good, I never really understood why we bothered. * On the traditional deep purple wine, or grape juice often used in its stead. When you combine them with the also-traditional white tablecloth, get ready for someone to spill – and stains that neverRead… Read more »