Yearly Archives: 2014

Open Challenge Buenos Aires

With every day that goes by, there are more and more situations for which governments turn to citizens looking for ideas, projects and engagement for the planning of the city or country we live in. In the last years from the Buenos Aires City Government we organized different idea, apps, projects contests, with the goal of stimulatingRead… Read more »

Empowering Citizens with Money and Social Media

The White House’s Open Government initiative encourages citizens to become more actively engaged in budget decisions in their communities. How does this work in practice? Do busy citizens actually get involved? Inspired by successful efforts in Brazil and other countries around the world, several U.S. communities have undertaken pilot efforts to allow citizens to directlyRead… Read more »

Mobile Apps: The New Security Breach

Imagine a bright red Lamborghini parked outside of your front door and a sign right next to it screaming “FREE!” Initial reaction….Score! Secondary reaction……What’s the catch? With a little bit of healthy skepticism, you might reach the conclusion that the new gift may come with a hidden price tag. Because of the high market purchaseRead… Read more »

Build a Strong Analytics Foundation at Your Agency

Imagine creating twice the amount of data of the entire printed collection of the Library Congress – every single day. That’s 19 terabytes of information – and it’s the amount that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) collects and produces every 24 hours. With so much data at the agency’s disposal, they have anRead… Read more »

How to Create a Success Portfolio That Will Win Over Interviewers

By Lily Whiteman, author of “How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job”; speaker on career issues; twitter: @Lilymwhiteman Although it doesn’t say so on the invitation, every job interview is really a Bring Your Own Success Portfolio —BYOSP—event. What is a success portfolio? A collection of tangible materials that validates your qualifications and proves thatRead… Read more »

Find a Simple Problem – and Fix It

There are a lot of problems out there that need fixing. Some are big, and complicated. Others are quite small, and simple. Why not try picking one of the small and simple ones, and fix it? Back in 2007, I started a new job in local government. I was a risk manager! I hadn’t beenRead… Read more »

Focusing on Goals Increases Payoff of Analytics

For several years, IBM and the Partnership for Public Service have partnered to bring lessons learned from industry leaders in the use of Big Data Analytics to our readers. This year we had a series of Conversations on Big Data, a Podcast series of discussions about using analytics in a number of creative and interestingRead… Read more »

Focusing on Goals Increases Payoff of Analytics – A Conversation on Big Data

For several years, IBM and the Partnership for Public Service have partnered to bring lessons learned from industry leaders in the use of Big Data Analytics to our readers. This year we had a series of Conversations on Big Data, a Podcast series of discussions about using analytics in a number of creative and interestingRead… Read more »