Yearly Archives: 2014

Government Agencies Need to Think Open First With All Content

Last week the Clean Energy Regulator released a calendar that illustrates when other government agencies use National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting data. Called the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting publication calendar, this is useful data for locating government reports on energy and climate change. It also serves a secondary role in highlighting the importance ofRead… Read more »

Friends with Agendas (FWA)

Why don’t companies “get” social? Why do consultants have such a hard time helping clients to leverage social networks and tools for business value? Perhaps it is because in ‘doing social,’ (rather than being social), you become the FWA. The “friends with benefits” is a well-understood concept, which I will not describe further; but I’dRead… Read more »

The Geospatial Approach to Cybersecurity

Scott Cecilio, Esri solution engineer, speaking at the GovLoop and Esri Meetup Cybersecurity professionals face an unprecedented challenge as our world has become more connected. Although this connectivity has streamlined communications and helped us connect easier than ever before, we are also exposed to increased risk. To help address these issues, GovLoop and Esri hostedRead… Read more »

Creating Organizational Self-Defense

Why don’t agency top leaders know about significant management problems in their organizations before it is too late? So-called scandals seem to be more prevalent these days, ranging from seemingly dishonest reporting of telework hours at the Patent Office or veterans hospital access wait times, to the safety of CDC labs, to lavish conferences atRead… Read more »

Federal Talent Acquisition — Analytics and Location, the Next Frontier

As is often the case, I read with interest Meghan Biro’s recent column in Forbes – Big, Bad Data: How Talent Analytics Will Make It Work In HR. It caught my attention with its insight into the world of talent analytics and HR. I was particularly excited to see Biro’s conclusions drawn from a recentRead… Read more »

I’m Retiring — Now You Want Me to Mentor

On August 7th, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued final regulations to allow eligible Federal employees the ability to work 20 hours per week, while receiving half of their pay and half of their retirement annuity. Under the Federal Phased Retirement law, employees who take advantage of the new flexibility, will be required toRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

It was a big week for the stock market as the indices continued their rally off of the early August lows. We’ve seen this kind of action before as once again the bulls took charge after the bears failed to take the market down to an elusive 10% correction. Here are the weekly, monthly, andRead… Read more »