Yearly Archives: 2014

Building a Civic Ecosystem

By Abhi Nemani, Innovator-in-Residence, GovDelivery The last four years have seen explosive growth in the civic technology field, and I have been privileged to see it firsthand in my role at Code for America (CfA) since 2010. Earlier this year, when I decided it was time to move on and explore a new segment ofRead… Read more »

Digital Engagement Strategy Series: Determine a Content Plan (2)

By John Simpson, Engagement Consultant If you missed our earlier post, check out part one of our digital engagement blog series. This blog series will go into each of these basics reviewed in our webinar onStakeholder Engagement in Federal Government to provide some next steps you can take to improve your agency’s digital engagement strategy.Read… Read more »

Using Social Media to Help Keep the Public Safe

This is part two of a three-part series on how analytics can help improve public safety and keep communities safe. You can read part one here. For public safety officials today, Facebook and Twitter play an integral role in informing the public about current events. Social data from hashtags, tweets, and comments provide unparalleled amountsRead… Read more »

Moving on Up: Advancing Your Government Career

We’re all looking to advance our skills, get better at our current job and move up the leadership ladder, but how do you actually do it? Moderated by Steve Ressler, Founder and CEO of Govloop, our online training featured two career coaches who answered your questions. Adam Smith, Principal at ASC, LLC Beth Flores, FounderRead… Read more »

Learning from the World Café Approach

We are happy to share a helpful write up on the principles and benefits of the World Café approach to meetings and dialogue. It’s a great piece from the blog of one of our newest NCDD members, Beth Tener of the New Directions Collaborative, and we encourage you to read more about it below orRead… Read more »

Jeff Neal Urges Organizations to Update Their Outlook on Senior Executive Service

‘You can’t step into the same river twice.’ Unfortunately, the federal government likes to step in the same river as many times as it can. But some industry leaders are demanding a federal reform in order to keep pace with the changing demographics of government. Jeff Neal, Senior Vice President at ICF International, spoke withRead… Read more »

How Open Source is Powering Government

I’ve attended DrupalGov today in Canberra. Below is my presentation for people who missed it. There’s also a recording that will become available in due course. How open source is powering government from Craig Thomler eGov AU Craig Thomler’s personal Gov 2.0 and eGovernment thoughts and speculations from an Australian perspective Original post

Six Words of Advice for the U.S. Digital Service

Six words of advice for the U.S. Digital Service As I mentioned, I was away last week. One of the announcements that came out: The release of the U.S. Digital Service and the Digital Service Playbook.  U.S. Digital Services Playbook: The American people expect to interact with government through digital channels such as websites, email,Read… Read more »