Yearly Archives: 2014

Revisited: Unintended Consequences of the FAR 8.4 Rewrite

This week’s topic is the “Unintended Consequences of the FAR 8.4 Rewrite.” Simply put, the rewrite removed a strategic acquisition tool, single award Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs), from customer agency procurement tool boxes when using the GSA schedule program. Here is more on the background, result and unintended consequences of the rule. In 2011 FederalRead… Read more »

Mixed News for U.S. Airline Consumer Choice

Have you flown recently? You might feel like your options are more limited because of trends in air service and recent airline mergers. But do you really have fewer airlines to choose from? In the last several months, GAO has reported on changes in the airline industry and their implications for consumers and communities. AirRead… Read more »

GovHack 2014 winners to be announced on 10 August

GovHack 2014 was the largest open data in Australian history. With over 1,300 participants across 10 locations, it set a new benchmark for engagement with, and reuse of, government data. On Sunday evening the winners will be announced at a Red Carpet Awards Night in Brisbane. I’ll be attending and liveblogging & tweeting the event,Read… Read more »

Internet of Things Lightning Round

“It’s not a revolution, but an evolution of what we’ve already been seeing in the Internet,” said Cisco Systems U.S. public sector engineering and chief technology officer Daniel Kent about today’s newest wave of technology, the ‘Internet of Things.’ Kent was the first speaker in a rapid-fire discussion of the implications of the Internet ofRead… Read more »

Accumulated Wisdom

The Urban Institute’s Harry Hatry is one of the pioneers of the late 20th century performance measurement movement. He has just released a new guide on transforming performance measurement that sums his best practical advice in one place. Harry Hatry is legendary. His indefatigable commitment to measuring government performance stretches back to his days asRead… Read more »

Clear As Mud…

Have you ever been in a conversation where the more someone spoke, the worse it got? Where no matter how many explanations received or questions asked, the result was the same: a complete and total lack of a concise message? Yup. Clear as mud! Sometimes, I’m pretty sure it’s the speaker. Sometimes, I’m embarrassed toRead… Read more »

The Grey Tsunami Problem: Why It’s Really About Communication

The “grey tsunami” was a big topic at my agency a few years back. The expectation was that up to 70% of the agency’s workforce would take early retirement. Massive amounts of tacit knowledge would be lost. In preparation, my team attempted to “crowdsource” the knowledge of the experienced staff. We wanted to convert thatRead… Read more »