Yearly Archives: 2014

Government is Hiring! But Where?

While it may appear that the size of the federal workforce has shrunk to the size of a thumbtack, many agencies are still looking to hire bright candidates. But the changing economy has forced management to alter their hiring process in favor of a more strategic one. Hiring employees is no longer isolated as anRead… Read more »

Older People and Work Do older people work to survive or because they want to stay in the game? I believe the answer is YES to both. In our society we segment people often without giving it much thought. There are older people in the Congress, even in the White House just moments away from the most powerfulRead… Read more »

What is a Project? A Simple Question with a Very Difficult Answer

This is a seemingly simple question, at least, for a certified project manager. After all we all know that a project is an “endeavor that has a definite start and an end, undertaken to deliver a unique product a service”. Usually this definition is followed by a couple of illustrative examples: Creation of the firstRead… Read more »

Ready, Set, Go… Cross the Acquisition Package Finish Line by Fiscal Year End

This is sprinting season for any acquisition professional working on completing acquisition packages, negotiating offers and awarding the proposals. Contracting Officers (COs) should be proactive in doing all that needs to be done to ensure the requirements are awarded in a timely fashion. While each agency has its own internal policies and regulations, there areRead… Read more »

The Pros and Cons of Job Hopping

People are on the move these days. Maybe they’re changing jobs because of a physical move – for work, for a spouse’s job, to be closer to aging parents, or just for new scenery. Maybe they got laid off. Maybe they’re just looking for a new challenge. Whatever the reason, the Bureau of Labor StatisticsRead… Read more »

New Study Finds Surprising Lack of Red-Blue Divide

We want to share the announcement on an insightful new study that we know will interest NCDD members that comes from NCDD supporting member Steven Kull of Voice of the People. VOP teamed up with the Program for Public Consultation to conduct a study on public policy opinions that has some pretty surprising results. YouRead… Read more »

Accessibility is for Everyone – An Awesome Accessibility Alphabet

Gian Wild of AccessibilityOz made me aware of this awesome accessibility alphabet of mini-personas, reflecting a large group of people for whom accessibility in websites and documents is critical. This is the sort of material I think agencies should make available to all their staff to help them be more mindful of the range ofRead… Read more »

The Cynic’s Guide to Government Contracting

There’s an interesting post by Ben Balter on why government doesn’t use open source. It’s a good read, in which Balter presents all the reasons why government doesn’t use open-source software for its web sites, from the demand for enterprise solutions to a desire to avoid transparency (really). Why is government so bad at buildingRead… Read more »