Yearly Archives: 2014

Serving the Emergency Response Community

Originally published at It’s an honor serving the public and emergency response community as the Web and New Media Manager for the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet). We have a great core of staff and communications team who are all working to fulfill the mission and to support the nation’s first responders, public safetyRead… Read more »

Bridging Fundamental Discontinuity in IT

 1. Introduction IT has been a major productivity tool for business and government over the past few decades. Indeed, the day to day working of the global economy has become dependent on a myriad of computer systems. However, a fundamental discontinuity in IT needs to be bridged to maximise its benefit in the future. BridgingRead… Read more »

What is Platform-as-a-Service?

If your agency isn’t currently deploying Platform-as-a-Service, it’s a safe bet it will be soon. That’s because PaaS is projected to grow at a compound annual rate of 41 percent through 2016, according to Market Monitor. The civil side of the federal government expects to spend $643 million on PaaS next year. The investment representsRead… Read more »

Take the Lead in Network Modernization

Achieving agency missions becomes harder and more complex every minute. But with a limited budget, many agencies are stuck between the need to deliver new services and the cost of supporting old infrastructure. To break the cycle of dependence on proprietary systems and endless service contracts, agencies need simpler, widely compatible network infrastructure that empowersRead… Read more »

Digital Transformation

The term digital transformation is being bandied about rather a lot at the moment. That’s fine – people often argue about words and phrases and what they mean and whether they are helpful. Usually they aren’t perfect but do a job as a sort of shorthand that everyone has a broad – if occasionally divergentRead… Read more »

Advancing Tobacco Control Policy in Chicago – Keeping Kids Safe

  With guest co-blogger Kendall Stagg, Director of Policy at Chicago Department of Public Health This month, the Chicago Department of Public Health was named “Local Health Department of the Year” by the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), an association of more than 2,800 local health departments across the nation. TheRead… Read more »