Yearly Archives: 2014

DoD Has Erected Barriers To Innovation

The Defense Business Board has another great presentation, this one on Innovation – Attracting and Retaining the Best of the Private Sector. They highlight that DoD needs both sustaining and disruptive innovation. Sustaining innovation tends to be “top down”, addressing known problems with contracted and independent R&D. Disruptive innovation tends to be “bottom up”, theRead… Read more »

How to Effectively (and Respectfully) Solve Office Conflicts

How can you fix a situation like this? When a group of people with different, roles, ideas and personalities need to work together, there’s bound to be conflict. Tempers can flare out of control, and pretty quickly the initial disagreement can become obscured in mistaken meanings and unintended slights. No matter how great our workingRead… Read more »

Becoming a Digital Organization: A Three-Phase Journey

There are three main phases to becoming a digital organization: digitization, digital engagement, and digital transformation. This post offers a lay oriented description and assessment of these phases. The objective is to help leaders who are digital rookies develop a conceptual foundation for understanding where their organizations have been, where they are, and – mostRead… Read more »

Indonesia’s ‘People’s Cabinet’ is One of the Most Innovative Uses of Gov 2.0 in the Asia-Pacific region

In Australia roughly 90% of us use the internet, whereas in Indonesia only around 42% of the population do – which still means that roughly 75 million Indonesians are online, or roughly four times the number of Australians that use the internet. In fact Indonesia was ranked in 2013 as the fourth largest nation ofRead… Read more »

The Evolution of GAO Graphics

As GAO has produced reports over the years, we’ve used graphics to help showcase our findings. With innovations in how we publish our reports, our graphic style has changed dramatically over the past 30 years. The 1980s We used rapidograph pens and Letraset machines to set graphics into typewritten reports. This example of a graphicRead… Read more »

Goal Leaders: An Innovation That Works

I’ve been getting calls from reporters who are asking whether President Obama is interested in government management. But a management innovation he introduced in the early days of his administration is finally taking off. Sometimes it takes a few years to find out if a management innovation works. Background. Early in the Obama Administration, OMBRead… Read more »