Yearly Archives: 2014

The Double Down Strategy of Contract Management Risk

By Mike Ipsaro, PMP, CCE/A In blackjack, there is a strategy known as doubling down, in which players double their bet to get one more card in addition to their two card hand. Doubling down increases players’ chances of winning, just like risk management increases the chances of success during a contract’s lifecycle. Risk isRead… Read more »

One Simple Strategy to Break Bureaucracy and Drive Creativity

I’ve been taking a course on innovation on, an online training and learning community. The course, Business Innovation Fundamentals with Drew Boyd, focuses on how to innovate using Systematic Inventive Thinking, a method based on several techniques to innovate on demand. It has been an interesting course, and one of the elements really caughtRead… Read more »

Moving Towards an HIV/AIDS Free Generation

With guest co-blogger Nikhil Prachand, Director of HIV/STI Surveillance at Chicago Department of Public Health The HIV epidemic in our nation is rapidly becoming concentrated among poor, young black and Hispanic men who have sex with men. In Chicago, there are over 25,000 people living with HIV. Approximately 1,000 people are newly diagnosed every year.Read… Read more »

How to Engage in Public-Private Partnerships

We’re blogging from the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. Issues of Engagement: As an educator and director of a mentoring program I didn’t realize how difficult it was to foster relationships between Private and Public sectors in the government. I mean, I figured that everyRead… Read more »

Communications Professionals Have 5 Years to Understand Digital, or Become Unemployable

Back in 2009 I started telling communications professionals that they had ten years to understand digital channels and integrate them into their thinking, or there would no longer be jobs for them in the industry. I also blogged about this in February 2010. At the time this was highly confronting to a number of experiencedRead… Read more »

Budgeting 101: What Every Federal Employee Needs to Know about the Budget

He who controls the budget, controls where it’s going. Know the rules and move mountains. Edward Brigham, AABPA Speakers Bureau Coordinator and John Stehle, Senior Analyst for the Government Accountability Office focused on these two concepts during this 101 session on the budget at this year’s NextGenGov Summit in Washington. Ed and John encouraged theRead… Read more »

How to be a Changemaker Within Your Agency

Panelists: Russell Maltiempo, Project Manager (FDIC) Emily Doughtry, Special Assistant (EPA) Lorena Molina-Irizarry, Hispanic Employment Program Manager (HEPM) Laura Kunkel, Special Assistant at HUD Steve Ressler, Founder of Govloop (Moderator) The panelists and their groups: Russell – Emerging Leaders Group at FDIC Emily – EPA’s Emerging Leadership Network (ELN) Lorena – NextGen Census Laura –Read… Read more »

How Big is Your Cup?

Everyone has heard the stories of lottery winners who receive large sums of money only to find themselves broke within a few years. . . Or the stories of star athletes who come into financial resources and stardom at a young age and later end up in legal trouble battling severe addictions and emotional issues.Read… Read more »

Restaurant Week August 11-17, 2014

This is my twice yearly public service blog about Restaurant Week in DC (August 11-17). Do you take advantage of this? Restaurant Week takes place twice a year, once in the frigid cold of the post-holidays and then again in the dog days of August. Times when diners are likely to be few. For allRead… Read more »