Yearly Archives: 2014

Acquisitions: The Next Hot Area for Government Employment?

It’s that time of year again! The next two days we’ll be blogging from GovLoop and YGL’s Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. NextGen Break-Out Session# 2: All About Acquisitions Speakers Jennifer Hesch, Attorney Susan Minson, Procurement Policy Analyst (Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office ofRead… Read more »

4 Ways to Avoid the Disconnectivity Paradox

Kate Otto speaking at the Next Generation of Government Leaders Summit We’re blogging from the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. The next two days we’ll be blogging from the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along@NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. Is technologyRead… Read more »

Do You Know Your Strengths? Keynote with Paul Allen

It’s that time of year again! The next two days we’ll be blogging from GovLoop and YGL’s Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. Do you know your own strengths? Does your manager know your strengths? How engaged are you in your daily job? These were theRead… Read more »

INFOGRAPHIC: Using Technology to Solve Persistent Urban Issues

The impact of technology on our cities, governments, and society at large is undeniable. It’s amazing to see how the Internet of Things, mobile technology, and collaborative innovation are being applied to solve challenges in medicine, transportation, and education. One exciting application of this technology is to solve a problem we all know and loatheRead… Read more »

Decoding your Federal Benefits

Decoding Your Federal Benefits Breakout Session #2 Decoding Your Federal Benefits was a highlight of NEXTGEN 2014. The session turned the process of thumbing through that benefits packet on your first week of Federal service and changing benefits each ‘Open Season’ on its head. The session focused on the fundamentals, and need to know information,Read… Read more »

6 Ways to Build Resiliency: Improve Yourself and Your Workplace

It’s that time of year again! The next two days we’ll be blogging from GovLoop and YGL’s Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Follow along @NextGenGov and read more blog posts here. Beth A Payne, Director of the Office of Children’s Issues at the Department of State, knows a thing or two about resiliency. AsRead… Read more »

Help Yourself by Helping Others

Yep. It’s true. To be a better leader, you need to be a mentor. We talk often about the mentee from why an employee might benefit from having a mentor and how to structure the mentoring relationship to formalizing (or not) a mentoring program in your organization. We measure how the mentee grows, takes onRead… Read more »

Federal Agency Hiring – Steps to Better Candidate Assessment

Even before President Obama’s 2010 initiative to remove the obstacles in the federal government’s antiquated hiring process, agencies’ HR departments looked for ways to improve the assessment process to enhance both the applicant experience and the agencies’ chance of identifying top talent. With the OPM’s Hiring Reform in place, the intent is to create aRead… Read more »

Innovation in Ageing Challenge launched by SA Office for the Ageing and TACSI

Coming hot on the heels of the VicHealth Physical Activity Innovation Challenge, the South Australian Office for the Ageing in the South Australian Department of Health has partnered with TACSI (The Australian Centre for Social Innovation) to launch an Innovation in Ageing Challenge. The Challenge invites teams to review two briefs and come up withRead… Read more »