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5 Success Skills for New Hires

We’ll let you in on a secret: When an agency hires you, it wants you to succeed. It would be counterintuitive to set new employees up for failure. That’s why agencies have employee manuals, organization charts and onboarding processes. But new hires need to do some of the legwork, too, to make sure they stand out for all the right reasons. Here we offer five tips for being an exemplary, engaged and enterprising employee that you won’t necessarily find in those manuals or hear from the hiring manager.

Understand Your Own Values

Values and beliefs underpin all of our choices in life, and the workplace should be no different. As you embark on a new gig, it’s worth taking stock of how they’ll apply. One way to do that is through the Knowdell Career Values Card Sort, in which you organize a list of 50 values into five categories ranging from never to always valued. That may sound easy, but GovLoop featured contributor Myranda Whitesides says it’s actually quite thought-provoking. “When I sat back and looked at my values, I began to piece together what I appreciated about my position and what was, or had been, frustrating me in my career,” Whitesides said. “You don’t know what you don’t know, and being able to pinpoint these things can provide you with a clearer sense of self.”

Kima L. Tozay, another GovLoop featured contributor, recommends asking yourself these seven questions as a guide:

Find Your Voice

With your values as a foundation, determine how you can support them through actions at work. This can mean pitching new ideas, crafting an effective presentation or simply speaking up in meetings all while exhibiting — and cultivating — soft skills. Indeed defines those as “abilities that relate to how you work and how you interact with other people,” and they’re crucial. Fifty-seven percent of people who resigned in 2021 cited feeling disrespected at work.

GovLoop featured contributors offer four tips for being assertive when you’re new to the job and always:

Learn to Listen

So far we’ve focused on you, but it’s not all about you. To succeed in any job, whether it’s your first day or 10,000th, it’s imperative to consider others’ voices the same way you want them to pay attention to yours. Why is this important? Seventy-four percent of employees say they are more effective at work
when they feel heard.

Listening seems easy enough, right? But truly listening to others — not just hearing them — takes practice. Here are four things you can do:

Recover from Your Mistakes

Messing up is inevitable. In fact, it’s important to learning, and that factors into how you recover from your blunders (yes, plural). Fear of making a mistake is real, but it could limit you from volunteering for more challenging work. Understand that as a new employee, you’re bound to make plenty of missteps in navigating the new environment, but seasoned leaders also make mistakes, even if many are loathe to admit them — which itself is, well, a mistake. When you mess up, pause for a self-pity party if you need it and then move forward. Here’s how:

Recruit Mentors

Speaking of mistakes, throwing yourself into a new job without seeking guidance is probably a significant one. A mentor is someone who advises or trains a colleague, and most agencies have a structured mentoring program — here’s a list of some federal ones.

The reason why is likely obvious, but here’s how the Office of Personnel Management describes it: “A formal mentoring program can help an agency enhance developmental opportunities, transfer knowledge from tenured employees to new employees and rising leaders, and decrease turnover by motivating and challenging employees.”

Still, for a mentorship to be most effective, you and your mentor must mesh. Here are three ways to find a good fit:

You can find more advice for starting your career in government in our New Hire Playbook.

Photo by Christina Morillo on
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