Whether you just read GovFem once a week or you’re more like me and scour the headlines every day for feminist news, chances are you could use a change of pace. So, instead of writing a post about women in government, career advice, or feminism this week, I decided to let some of the most inspirational women out there offer their insights.
From the power of introversion to the redefinition of feminism, these five TedTalks offer a great oral update on how women are approaching their careers and the challenges of discrimination.
Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts
How often do you hear that you need to network, find a mentor, and join the boys’ club to make the most of your career? Well, that’s not very easy if you’re naturally introverted. Susan Cain explains how to turn a perceived disadvantage into a real attribute to you and your career.
Reshma Saujani: Teach Girls Bravery, Not Perfection
In 2012, Saujani ran for Congress and lost. But while some people would consider that a failure, Saujani doesn’t. She considers it her first truly brave decision. In this talk, she explains why other girls and women should similarly embrace risk and make bold moves.
Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all “have it all”?
Slaughter starts this talk by explaining why she chose to leave a government career and how that decision changed her definition of success. She then goes on to explore the wide variety of definitions that success can take for a woman. This talk is a great divergence from the normal narrative of a woman’s success looking like the traditional man’s success.
Susan Colantuono: The Career Advice You Probably Didn’t Get
“Why are there so many women mired in the middle and what has to happen to take them to the top?” asks Susan Colantuono, CEO and founder of Leading Women. This quick video answers that question in an unexpected and enlightening way.
Elizabeth Nyamayaro: An invitation to men who want a better world for men
“Why invite men? They are the problem!” jokes Nyamayaro in this video. But this speaker from the United Nations goes on to explain the critical role men should play in the fight for women’s equality.

Have a favorite TedTalk or other video about women that didn’t make this list? Send us a link in the comments below!
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