
5 Ways to Embrace Change in the Workplace

Whether it is a pandemic or PTO policy, changes to our work routine tend to overwhelm us. While some dive head-first into change, others may balk at the idea of a meeting being rescheduled. In a recent survey from GovLoop, 25% of respondents said that their relationship with their manager had worsened since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, showing that adapting to new circumstances perplexes many people. Here are some tips to help you embrace workplace changes like a champion:

1. Accept what you can’t control

Unless you’ve been appointed CEO (in that case, congrats!), odds are that you cannot reverse the changes that have been implemented. Acknowledge the new policy and accept that there’s nothing you can do about it now. If a change is temporary and there is a chance of it being reversed, wait patiently for that moment.

2.Confront your fears

Despite being certain about your dislike of change, you might not know why you want things to stay the same. Is it a fear of failure? Is it a fear of criticism? Will the new change eliminate the part of your job that you are most passionate about? Giving your fears a name, unpacking them, and creating a strategy to deal with them will benefit you greatly.

3.Care for your coworkers

If an issue is affecting you at work, you are most likely not alone. Check on your fellow workers to see how they are adapting to the new normal. Also, be aware of co-workers who must navigate new developments in their work and personal lives. If an associate needs to multitask with childcare, show them grace and offer to take on additional work for them. Virtual coffee chats and quick check-ins can make someone’s day by reminding them that they have support.

 4.Understand what is expected of you

Now more than ever is the time to overcommunicate. Since you may interpret the changes differently than your boss or coworkers, it is better to speak with a manager to confirm your beliefs. Asking constructive questions to better understand your role in the new developments shows initiative and helps you perform better. Overcommunicating will also deter you from speculating, thus alleviating your anxiety.

5.Rise to the Occasion

Changes give you an opportunity to prove yourself in a different way. It can also help you develop new skills, making you a stronger employee. By adapting to the changes, you will feel empowered and you will help your team. Take time to develop new goals and achieve them.

So, the next time something unexpected happens at work, acknowledge your discomfort, confront your fears, and receive change with open arms.

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