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6 Tricks to Make Your Scientific Data More User-Friendly

Scientific data is collected from everywhere and used for everything. Research on rising sea levels, climate change, ocean science, forest preservation, energy assurance and more, rely on scientific data. But the power of scientific data can sometimes be overwhelming.

One way to maximize data findings is through spatial analytics, which is the answer to a question. Through spatial analytics we use maps to help us see possible patterns. Those patterns can help us describe what’s happening and improve our understanding to minimize subjectivity.

During yesterday’s online training, “Simple Ways to do More with Your Scientific Data,” scientific data experts walked us through tools they use every day to successfully integrate multi-dimensional scientific data with geographic information systems.

The experts included:

Here are a few tips from the experts on how to connect scientific data to GIS:

Still want to do more with your scientific data? View the on-demand version of this training here.

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