GovLoop on HuffPo: When You Need Your Government Right Now

Below is the introduction to GovLoop’s latest post on the Huffington Post:

Back in November 2009, Ellen Miller of the Sunlight Foundation
wrote here on The Huffington Post about “Envisioning a Real-Time Government.” Here’s a quick excerpt:

Imagine a world where the entire influence economy in Washington were available to the public, online and in real time… Picture a single website that would function as a portal for all government agencies to file daily reports on lobbying meetings and allow the public to examine and search through the disclosures…with real-time access given us through the Web, this level of government transparency and accountability is actually possible.

It’s not only possible; it’s already happening! I’ve shared examples of innovative government transparency projects here and on GovLoop, both providing proof that Ellen’s vision for “real-time government” is coming to fruition.

Last week, the US government took one more giant leap toward that vision when the General Services Administration (GSA) launched its Notifications Dashboard…




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