Don’t look now but it looks like we might have another shutdown on our hands. Just a few months ago Americans and federal employees were burdened with 3 weeks of limbo wondering if the government would shutdown… and now for Minnesotans the worry that their state will shutdown is precious moments away from becoming a reality.
Here’s a link to a great article by TIME about the current situation in MN:,8599,2079026,00.html
The thing that makes Minnesota’s current situation different from the other possible government shutdowns at the state and federal level is the sheer amount of things that will be shutdown. In the current shutdown 2/3 of the government would be closed. 46 agencies would close while 29 stayed open with minimal staffing.
….his shutdown plan is far-reaching, affecting payments to schools and cities as well as management of the lottery, state parks, construction work, roads, and much more. Yet the constitution also declares that Minnesota’s government is instituted for the security, benefit and protection of its people. Dayton’s plan will preserve emergency services such as state troopers and guards for correctional facilities.
You can tell Minnesotans are bracing for a shutdown. Recently was stood up to let citizens know what to expect when the sh** hits the fan July 1.
Making the situation in MN all the more interesting is that with a democrat governor and a republican house Minnesota’s situation mirrors the federal government, which could be fighting this same battle in Sept.
Maybe the most important question is with 6 state government shutdowns since 2002 and a federal government scare is the shutdown just part of government culture now?