
Are Big Data and Cybersecurity a Perfect Match? Plus Your Weekend Reads!

We all know by now that cyberspace is the next frontier and that attacks are getting more sophisticated and effective. But the key to keeping your network may be big data.

Teradata and Ponemon Institute have looked at the results in their report: Big Data Analytics in Cyber Defense.

Sam Harris the Director of Enterprise Risk Management at Teradata. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that only 20% of organizations believe they’re effective at stopping cyberattacks.

Before you can find the connection between big data and cybersecurity you first have to define big data. Harris says big data is:

  1. Volume
  2. Velocity
  3. Complexity

“People commonly think of big data is unstructured, that isn’t true. That is a misnomer because all data has structure it just might not be in the structure you are looking for,” said Harris.

The Cyber Link

“There is a very distinct link between data and cybersecurity. The traditional security platform is layered. But big data analytics can help you create this path analysis for events of interest like an intrusion,” said Harris.

Key Findings

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