Posts By Abhi Nemani

CfA’s First International Partnerships

Over the past three years, as Code for America has grown, we have had the good fortune and deep pleasure of making friends with countless people from around the world who share our commitment to fostering more innovative government and engaged citizens. Cities like Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Helsinki (Finland) and organizations like the OpenRead… Read more »

National Day of Civic Hacking is NYC’s First CityCamp

On Saturday, June 1, New York City will hold its first CityCamp and NYC BigApps Demo Night! This is one day to celebrate and explore NYC’s civic technology community — hack, polish, and learn! As part of National Day of Civic Hacking and NYC BigApps, New Yorkers will have a unique opportunity to dive intoRead… Read more »

Chicago: City of Big Data and National Day of Civic Hacking

For National Day of Civic Hacking, Chicago will play host to three separate events. The first is the ChicagoMigraHack, a hackathon focused on the problem of immigration. The second event will be a youth focused hackathon at the Adler Planetarium. And finally, there will be an assortment of different civic hacking activities at Hack forRead… Read more »

National Day of Civic Hacking: Live Beyond the Day

On June 1, citizens in nearly 100 cities will be hosting events to celebrate the National Day of Civic Hacking. Organized through a cross-sector coalition, this day is a galvanizing moment for our ongoing movement to call citizens into action to help their cities work better through technology. As we’ve seen in the past fewRead… Read more »

Open Source + Community

I’ve been thinking a bit too much lately about GitHub and More broadly, I’ve had my mind on open source + community. Sometimes this is called social coding. Social coding can take on a variety of shapes and sizes but is short-hand for what I can describe as loosely coupled, sometimes geographically distributed collaborationRead… Read more »

Hacking the Change You Want to See

On June 1, the City of Oakland will co-host ReWrite Oakland as part of the National Day of Civic Hacking. ReWrite Oakland will be an all day writeathon that will culminate with the launch of a new website called “Oakland Answers,” based on last year’s Code for America project “Honolulu Answers.” Oakland Answers will beRead… Read more »

Michal Migurski: Why I’m Coding For America

Code For the past decade, I directed the technology needs and efforts of celebrated San Francisco studio Stamen Design. Together, we created new ways of mapping the world, new ways of seeing data, and balanced an abundance of commercial, artistic, and research projects. I especially valued the opportunity to support the design process through code,Read… Read more »


At Code for America, we’re getting excited for the National Day of Civic Hacking; the weekend is a galvanizing moment in our ongoing movement to call citizens to action. We want citizens everywhere to help their cities work better, through technology. Why do we think this is so important? We put together a list ofRead… Read more »

How To Fix Procurement 3: Ask for the Right Stuff

This post is written by Clay Johnson, the co-founder and CEO of the Department of Better Technology, and cross-posted from the Department of Better Technology blog. So far we’ve talked about two ways to decrease government’s IT costs: streamlining the process that agencies use to vet and certify new businesses, and leveraging APIs to makeRead… Read more »

How To Fix Procurement 1: Fix Registration

This post is written by Clay Johnson, the co-founder and CEO of the Department of Better Technology, and cross-posted from the Department of Better Technology blog. The way government purchases information technology is profoundly broken – leading to federal websites and information technology systems to sometimes cost as much as an entire scientific initiative toRead… Read more »