Posts By Abhi Nemani

Boots on the Ground

Community as capacity is one of the founding principles of the Brigade. We believe governments work better when cities and communities collaborate. But organizing a community is hard work. In fact, our most frequent requests at the Brigade throughout 2012 were for advice around best practices for this. Luckily for us, we have an unbeatableRead… Read more »

Brigade Spotlight: AMA with Noel and Hannah

In December 2012, the Brigade added two new members to staff: Noel Hidalgo and Hannah Young. Noel joins us as the Program Manager for New York City and Hannah as the Program Coordinator across the entire Brigade program. As we kick off 2013, we wanted to introduce Noel and Hannah by the way of aRead… Read more »

Meeting Cities

San Francisco City Hall Truth be told, it’s safe to say what we’ll be doing in February is a bit of a mystery to us all. What will our schedule be? Where will we live? How do we need to plan? For the uninitiated, February is the time Code for America Fellows leave San FranciscoRead… Read more »

Change is in the air, or at least in the titles

A few weeks ago, the City of Philadelphia announced the appointment of their first Director of Civic Technology, a post filled by local civic hacker (and of late, 311 app project manager) Tim Wisniewski. Tim joins an impressive array of colleagues, whose titles, like his, are ones you don’t see everywhere. Adel Abeid is Philly’sRead… Read more »

The Energy in the Room

9:00 a.m., January 3, 2013 — Breakfast awaits 28 civically committed fellows. Twenty eight individuals who have decided to devote the next 11 months to Code for America — to serving our governments. Coming from 15 different states with rich and diverse backgrounds (from Google, Newsweek, HUD, AmeriCorp/Vista, AOL, and many others) these talented developers,Read… Read more »

Flu App Spreads

Less than 36 hours after Boston declared a public health emergency over this year’s dangerous flu virus, Boston’s Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics redeployed Chicago’s flu shot app. Originally developed in Chicago by Tom Kompare, the flu shot app helps users find nearby clinics offering free flu shots by entering in their address orRead… Read more »

Foodies and Open Data Enthusiasts Rejoice

San Francisco is perhaps known best for two things: its vibrant and diverse restaurant scene that attracts food lovers worldwide, and an equally thriving tech industry that draws a healthy population of data-loving, app-wielding geeks. Both groups had occasion to celebrate this morning, when San Francisco’s Mayor Ed Lee and the popular restaurant review siteRead… Read more »

One Day In Month One.

Yesterday was intense, and I expect nothing less today. Here’s what one day in the life of a CfA fellow looks like during month one. 8 a.m. -ish Still trying to figure out the commute to my new headquarters for the year. Arrived a bit early so had time to invest in setting up someRead… Read more »

Opening Government: Oakland’s First CityCamp

I recently co-founded an organization called OpenOakland with Code for America alumni Eddie Tejeda. One of our passions was that we both believe that government can and should be much more than a vending machine. It’s no secret that current local governments have a ton of changing to do, but we think it is unlikelyRead… Read more »

Noel Hidalgo: Why I’m Coding for America

We are living on the horizon of a bright tomorrow. Transparency, efficiency, and participation are echoing through the halls of government and in the streets of New York. In 2009, when a small group of organizers and technologists walked through the doors of New York State House, we etched these words into the walls. FourRead… Read more »