Successful Federal Furlough 5K
Many thanks to my friends at the EPA and USCG who joined together and ran through lower Manhattan in the Federal Furlough 5K on Friday, October 4, 2013.
Many thanks to my friends at the EPA and USCG who joined together and ran through lower Manhattan in the Federal Furlough 5K on Friday, October 4, 2013.
Attention New York area Feds! Come join us for theFederal Furlough 5K. Friday, October 4th at noon. Meet at the Alexander Hamilton Custom House in Bowling Green. No parking, take the 4/5 subway and exit at Bowling Green. Wear your red, white, and blue and lets show New York that Federal employees are regular people.Read… Read more »
New York area Feds. Come join me Friday, October 4 at 12 noon at the Alexander Custom House in Bowling Green, New York for the Federal Furlough 5K! We’ll run from the Custom House up the Hudson River. Wear your red, white, and blue gear so we can show the world we are proud publicRead… Read more »
Hello Govloopers. I’m hoping you can help me out. I’m a current Fellow with the Partnership for Public Service Excellence in Government Fellows Program and my cohort group is working on a project to raise disability awareness among Federal Employees. Specifically, we have a survey to get YOUR understanding about the hiring of individuals withRead… Read more »
What if the government had its own conference facilities? Arguable the military already does, if conference organizers utilize their service academy facilities. But what about civilian agencies? Check out the National Conservation Training Center in West Virginia, it’s amazing and a short drive from Washington, DC. Could that be used by other agencies? What otherRead… Read more »
Dear Federal colleagues and partners, Please stop sending me 8 mb email attachments. Use other options like cloud computing or Google docs. That is all. Love, A guy who hates to see “Mailbox Size Limit exceeded: This notification is to inform you that your mailbox size has reached the defined limit for Prohibiting Send. WhatRead… Read more »
It’s Friday night, December 16th about 10:00 p.m. and my boss called me to let me know I’d been laid off. “But wait, it’s not midnight yet and the House passed the budget“, I say. “No, if things don’t get passed you can’t come to work on Monday”, he said. So I’m a little ticked,Read… Read more »
Happy Fiscal New Year everyone. I’ve made my “continuing resolution” and I’m sticking to it….. What bad jokes can you make about our current fiscal situation?
Afraid that the world is passing you by? Want to become more smarter about what you are doing? Trying to move up the ladder and want to impress the SES crowd at the morning meeting? Become an expert. Easier said than done right? Not so fast. Let me show you what you should already know.Read… Read more »
I don’t know about your organization but the government phone I have stinks. How bad is it? I still use a stylus. Yea, how 1980’s can you get. But don’t think I’m just crying for an iPhone. In fact, I don’t want an iPhone. I want the telecom industry to invent a phone specifically toRead… Read more »