Posts By Bob Gourley

The Technology of VoltDB

VoltDB is a company fielding a technology designed by DBMS pioneer Mike Stonebreaker. It is designed to address challenges of performance limitations in existing systems, and also provides significant potential cost savings, giving it the virtuous position of having more functionality at a lower cost. In conversations with Stonebreaker I learned a bit more aboutRead… Read more »

Using Triumfant for Secure Configuration and Change Management

It’s late Monday morning when your computer security department notices that a suspicious message has been emailed to most of the email addresses at your company. It contains a malicious PDF that exploits a new vulnerability that came out over the weekend. The patch hasn’t been applied to the company workstations yet, and it’s tooRead… Read more »

Database Research Pioneer Michael Stonebreaker

I just received an update from data base research and technology pioneer Michael Stonebreaker and will be using insights from the conversation to inform a few coming posts here at (including a coming one on his newest pursuit, VoltDB), but first wanted to provide a digital introduction to Michael. I first met him inRead… Read more »

The Maginot Line of Information Systems Security

Military cyber defenders face a tough challenge. Many of them have been trained in warfighting specialties like aviation, infantry, amphibious operations, submarine warfare etc, then one day they wake up with orders to a unit with operational cyber defense responsibilities. I’ve seen great champions from these disciplines, including F-14 pilots and RIOs, make fantastic contributionsRead… Read more »

DoD’s New Strategy for Operations In Cyberspace

Today DoD released its new Strategy for Operations in Cyberspace. We have all seen parts of this before, the DoD has done a great job of providing their intention via the speeches and testimony of senior leaders as well as articles published in leading journals. So those who track cyber security strategy will find fewRead… Read more »

Deputy Secretary of Defense Lynn: Cyber Strategy’s Thrust is Defensive

Note: The following piece from the Pentagon’s news service is being provided as a service to our readers, most of whom track this type of information very closely. Lynn: Cyber Strategy’s Thrust is Defensive By Karen Parrish American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, July 14, 2011 – In March, a cyber attack on a defense company’sRead… Read more »

Technology Context Delivered The Way You Want It

Response to our newly designed e-mail reports has been overwhelmingly positive. That makes us happy to continue doing what we love doing, which is all focused on informing you on the relevance of hot technology issues. We now support four key technology products delivered by e-mail. You can sign up for any using forms onRead… Read more »

If Rackspace Keeps This Up They Will Dominate

In March we announced our move of to a new Rackspace Cloud Site capability. After testing we also moved and, there, and things were so easy/fast/enjoyable we later established there. Using Rackspace gave us must faster performance and many other features. Lately things started to go wrong, however. I started gettingRead… Read more »