Posts By Bob Gourley

Cleversafe: Use cases highlighted at Storage Networking World

Storage Networking World is a twice a year gathering of technology professionals with deep interest and mission needs for modern storage systems. The last one was held April 2-4 in Orlando Florida. The next one will be October 15-17 in Long Beach California. If storage is your discipline you probably already know about this gathering.Read… Read more »

Hadoop + BigMemory: Run, Elephant, Run!

Terracotta offers novel solutions to speed enterprise software Editors note: this article first was posted at the Terracotta blog and was re-posted with permission. By Gagan Mehra. When many of us hear the term Big Data, we think Hadoop. That’s only natural as Hadoop has helped countless organizations overcome huge Big Data challenges, at relativelyRead… Read more »

Phasers at Sea – what’s the next PHASE?

By ChrisScott I will admit to being a bit surprised a few days ago when the Navy announced that they plan to deploy lasers onboard the U.S.S. Ponce in 2014. Of course I know that Directed Energy has been an area of interest for decades, and that many DoD labs and defense contractors invest aRead… Read more »

An Update on Platfora: Great capability for enhancing clarity, agility, user self service and mission support from Big Data

By Bob Gourley We have been tracking Platfora for quite a while. They have long been our on Disruptive IT list, we knew long ago these guys would change the world. Now with their announcement that their flagship capability is available for widespread use (see: Platfora, Now Available, Cuts Through Big Data Hype and DeliversRead… Read more »

Seven Thoughts on Hadoop’s Seventh Birthday

By Doug Cutting Editor’s note: It has only been seven years since Hadoop’s first release, and think of the amazing things it has already empowered us to accomplish. Doug Cutting (Hadoop’s founder, Apache Software Foundation chair and Cloudera’s chief architect) published seven thoughts on Hadoop’s seventh birthday at the Cloudera blog, and we sought hisRead… Read more »

Opportunities in DoD BMD Relocations – USS FT GREELY?

By ChrisScott I watch with mixed horror and fascination the posturing of North Korea. This has been going on so long, it’s hard to take it seriously. But of course, such blatant threats can’t be completely ignored, and SECDEF’s recent announcement confirming his intention to expand the US Ballistic Missile Defense capabilities has been metRead… Read more »