Posts By Bob Gourley

Army defends its mobile device security plan, Cyber education key to security and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. Army defends its mobile device security plan – “The Department of Defense’s inspector general has reposted and updated a report critical of the Army’s shortcomings in handling cybersecurity for commercial mobile devices (CMD), with some changes to correct for what itRead… Read more »

A Video Update On The IO Modular Datacenter Designs

By Bob Gourley We have previously reported on IO, the leading provider of next generation modular data center technologies. With this post we would like to highlight a video that puts some of the technology into great context. Watch here for a fast paced view of what great engineers and mission focused technology professionals deliverRead… Read more »

Third Annual Government Big Data Forum: Post Event Request

By Bob Gourley The Third Annual Government Big Data Forum was held 04 April 2013 in DC. Were you there? We would love to get your input on how things went. We would value your thoughts on any aspect of this event, from logistics and admin to networking and content. If you could not makeRead… Read more »

22-25 Sep Big Data Exchange in San Francisco CA

By Bob Gourley We previously wrote about the 22-25 Sep 2013 Big Data Exchange in San Francisco CA. With this post we can provide a bit more information. There is an absolutely awesome lineup of speakers for the event. Find them at: From the event website: Welcome to The Big Data Exchange The prospectRead… Read more »

If you are an executive in government or a tech professional anywhere you better realize how patent trolls are impacting you and your mission

By Bob Gourley I know you have heard of patent trolls, those sham companies that are created to assert patent-infringement claims to shake down firms for money or other assets. They have been around for a long long time, stifling innovation and removing more value from our economy than the Chinese steal in all theirRead… Read more »

Assessment on the User Defined Operational Picture: The Holy Grail of DoD IT

By ChrisScott There’s nothing COMMON about the operational picture any more! We are currently in the throws of change – shifting a legacy force structure capable of fighting two strategic wars at one time, to a leaner, more agile force projecting power through “expeditionary warfare”. As we adjust to this significant refocus, the idea ofRead… Read more »

3 April CTOvision Podcast with Chris Biow of MarkLogic

By Ryan Kamauff In this podcast I interviewed Chris Biow, Federal CTO, VP of MarkLogic. MarkLogic offers a new generation database technology capable of handling any data, at any volume, in any structure. Organizations around the world rely on MarkLogic’s enterprise-grade technology to get to better decisions faster. Chris gave offered great insight into theRead… Read more »

Data as Paint, and the rise of the Data Artist

By Justin Langseth Editor’s note: CTOvision reader Peter Thorp spotted this great post originally at Justin Langseth’s Data Metaphors blog and when we saw it we asked Justin if he would repost it here for your consideration. -bg Art has always been a means of communication, reflection, persuasion, storytelling, and interpretation. Artists use their imaginationRead… Read more »

Final Preparations For The 4 April 2013 Government Big Data Forum

By Bob Gourley The 4 April 2013 Government Big Data Forum is shaping up to be an absolutely incredible event, especially if you are a government professional seeking ways to make sense over data to better serve your organization’s mission. The event will also be great for the IT community that serves and supports theRead… Read more »