Posts By Bob Gourley

Aereo wins major court battle against TV networks, Is this the future of memory? A Hybrid Memory Cube spec makes its debut and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top tech news and stories of the day. Aereo wins major court battle against TV networks – Aereo is a broadband TV delivery service, offering users access to OTA local broadcasts. “Aereo allows TV watchers to stream HD video over the web with a proprietary remote antenna and DVRRead… Read more »

SilverTail Systems Provides New Tools To ID and Respond To Inbound Web Attacks

By Bob Gourley The Silver Tail software platform provides a well engineered means of monitoring cyber threat activity- including threat activity hidden in normal Internet traffic. By performing behavior analysis to rapidly ID malicious behavior enterprises are given far more warning of mischief, potential information theft, fraud, espionage or other unauthorized/undesired/potentially illegal activities. The biggestRead… Read more »

Federal Tech Professionals: FOSE is May 14-16 2013 in DC

By Bob Gourley Every year the federal tech community converges around the FOSE event to: Get updates on agency mission needs by government decision-makers Learn about the latest technologies available to address mission needs Network with others from government agencies Consider new approaches to challenges This year FOSE will be held May 14-16 at theRead… Read more »

DHS CIO Spires put ‘on leave’, Enterprises running Java versions that are months out of date, analysis finds and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. DHS CIO Spires put ‘on leave’ – “FedScoop has learned that Department of Homeland Security’s Chief Information Officer Richard Spires has been put on immediate ‘on leave’ status with no further explanation as to why. Inquiries made to DHS officials aboutRead… Read more »

Revealed: Robotic Jellyfish the Size of A Full Grown Man

By Kat Berry Researchers at Virginia Tech college of Engineering have revealed a stunningly lifelike autonomous robotic jellyfish the size of a full grown man. The robot is 5 foot and 7 inches long coming in at 170 pounds. And is designed to run on its own energy and to use less energy like aRead… Read more »

29 March CTOvision Podcast with Anup Ghosh of Invincea

By Ryan Kamauff In this podcast I interviewed Anup Ghosh, CEO and Founder of Invincea. Invincea is a venture-backed software company that is bringing innovative security to companies through the Invincea breach prevention platform. Anup and I discussed Invincea and the breach protection software they offer. In short, “Invincea delivers the first and only virtualizedRead… Read more »

The Army’s Command Post of the Future. First Army Unit deploying with a mobile network, Cisco and Cloud Computing

By Marcus Williams Today’s Cyber news we are tracking: The Army’s Command Post of the Future. First Army Unit deploying with a mobile network, Cisco and Cloud Computing The Army’s Command Post of the Future (CPOF) Leaders on the ground at the attack on Lybia last year used maps and images provided by the CommandRead… Read more »