Posts By Bob Gourley

Amazon Snags $600M from CIA for Cloud Services, House committee approves FITARA, FISMA update and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. Copyright Chief Urges Congress to Produce ‘Next Great Copyright Act’ – “Register of Copyrights Maria Pallante told a House congressional subcommittee Wednesday that everything from anticircumvention provisions and fair use to length of copyright and performance royalties should be on theRead… Read more »

20 March Podcast: Cyber news summary including GSA cancellings, Mark Weatherford stepping down and ICS Honeypot attacks

By Ryan Kamauff In this podcast I discuss some of the weeks earlier cyber news, including some GSA conference cancellings, USAF changing the way they manage cyber workforce, DISA looking for PKI infrastructure services, Cyber Czar Mark Weatherford stepping down, security in the new GSIV and the BlackBerry Z10, as well as continued ICS honeypotRead… Read more »

GSA Cancels two more conferences, ICS’ are still under attack

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. Cloud security service protects WordPress content – “Developer NorseCrop has launched a cloud security service designed to protect open-source content management systems that many SMBs use to run their Internet sites.” NorseCrop has Joomla and Drupal versions to follow as well.Read… Read more »

OpenStack Takes a Cue from Linux

By Kay Ackerman Linux has been the gold standard of open source operating systems since the early 90s. Today, it’s used by programmers, coders, designers and techies of all stripes because of the flexibility and security. So it makes sense, then, that when NASA and Rackspace set out to build an open cloud, they tookRead… Read more »

DISA looking for PKI services, Cyberthreats getting worse and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. DISA looks for support of public key infrastructure services – “The Defense Information Systems Agency is developing a new cyber security contract and has stared collecting market data on possible providers of public key infrastructure services.” This is demonstrating a dedicationRead… Read more »

Third Annual Big Data Forum Pre Event Survey

By Bob Gourley We have been meeting for three years in the Government Big Data Forum. The next will be 4 April 2013. Please help us evaluate the right issues to address and help us queue up a research agenda for the next year. And let us know if you have a lesson learned orRead… Read more »

Announcing Our Latest Product: The Weekly DoD and IC Technology Review

By Bob Gourley With this post we are announcing the latest in our newsletter series, the CTOvision DoD and IC Technology Review. This weekly report leveraged the same publishing platform (Mailchimp) as our other newsletters giving our readers tailorable control over which newsletters are of most interest to you while protecting your email information. TheRead… Read more »