Posts By Bob Gourley

Agency cybersecurity deficiencies remain as attacks reach all-time high, Obama’s Cyberwarfare Strategy Will Backfire and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. Napolitano: Cybersecurity executive order only part of the solution – “President Obama’s Feb. 12 executive order falls short of a complete cybersecurity plan and should be seen as a first step in addressing cybersecurity issues, said Homeland Security Secretary Janet NapolitanoRead… Read more »

An Interview with Russ Kennedy of Cleversafe

By Ryan Kamauff Recently, I asked Russ Kennedy, Vice President of Product Strategy, Marketing and Customer Solutions, of Cleversafe some probing questions about his firm and their capabilities. We talked about why enterprises need Cleversafe, how they measure ROI, and what problems Cleversafe solves better than anyone else. Why Enterprises Need Cleversafe: Cleversafe enables theRead… Read more »

EPA completes Cloud Email Migration, Cuts Hit Cyber Drills and Security Programs and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. EPA completes cloud email migration – The Environmental Protection Agency and Lockheed Martin have completed the migration to Microsoft Office 365. This four-year contract migrated over 22,000 EPA employees to the cloud email capability. ‘”By moving to the cloud with OfficeRead… Read more »

GitHub hires government focused employee, Companies want Lawsuit Shield to share Cyber Threat Data and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. GitHub hires first government-focused employee – GitHub has recently announced the hiring of their first government focused employee. GitHub offers social coding, which opens the development process. “former White House Presidential Innovation Fellow Ben Balter will join its team to focusRead… Read more »

Microsoft shows off built-in Kinect, New iPad/iPhone rumors with release dates and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top mobile news and stories of the day. Microsoft shows displays with built-in Kinect, predicts future laptop integration – Microsoft is showing off some displays with built-in Kinect capabilities. These could be very similar to today’s “SmartBoards” which are a mix of computer, whiteboard and projector, as well asRead… Read more »

Obama tags EPA, OMB and DoE heads, DHS 3.0 has cybersecurity as a top priority and more

By Ryan Kamauff Here are the top cyber news and stories of the day. Obama makes three major personnel announcements – President Obama has announced the heads of three organizations, the OMB, the Department of Energy and the EPA. All of them have extensive experience in the government, specifically in organizations. Via FedScoop, more here.Read… Read more »

Reduce Risk, Cost, and Delay with Real-time Response

By Marcus Williams Some topics we are tracking: Guidance Software offers a service called EnCase Cybersecurity. Maximizing Network and Mobile User Performance. Discussions On Revising the Current Cybersecurity Bill. and more Reduce Risk, Cost, and Delay with Real-time Response and Security Event Validation Guidance Software offers a service called EnCase Cybersecurity. “EnCase Cybersecurity is theRead… Read more »